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just keep it original


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I just want another MI. I don't care what they put in it, I'll like it anyway. They used Slappy Cromwell, I liked it. They used Monkey Kombat, I liked it. As long as they keep the reggae music and Guybrush as the main character, I could not care less about the rest. I will always love Monkey Island!!!!

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I don't agree. I would like to see more and creative Islands and would like all the old ones to come back to explore and make new friends. All other MI games rule and is a work of art. I would like for all those games to come into with MI 5, but would like a newer route on how to beat the game.

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Why the hell didn't they have Lemonhead or Wally in MI4?:mad:



I think Plunder, Phatt, Scabb, Jambalaya, Duck(skull), Blood, Dinky, Melee, Lucre, Pinchpenny, Spittle, and of course Monkey. They should all be used in MI5. Ditch Monkey Kombat! It sucked. Use the original insult swordfighting (or banjo playing, or caber tossing, or arm-wrestling, or MurrayBall playing).:D

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I'm with Haggis. As long as they keep Guybrush and the music (!) I'll buy it, play it, love it, memorize it, etc etc ad nauseum. I love seeing new things in each of the games, but I also love when they bring back old characters. I almost fell off my chair when I realized that Otis and Carla were back in EMI. A mixture of new and old is definitely best. As for favorite island... well, I'm not sure (especially since I haven't finished EMI yet) but I always loved Monkey and Booty Island. Not sure why. :)

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You know how when Guybrush meets someone that wasn't to important in one of the games and suddenly appears 1 or 2 games later? They should do that for Palado the suntanner. He comes back, some of the dye and oil burn comes up, Palado still doesn't know what happend, blah, blah, blah...


PS, I feel kinda bad for Palado. First, Guybrush poured dye on his belly, then burn off the skin on his back with cooking oil, then to addto it, steals his tattoo. I wouldn't want to be Palado with dye, 3rd degree burn, and missing skin.:(


PS2 (hehe, Playstaion2), I want DuckSkull Island, Melée Island, Scab Island, and a new Island, like Grokkend Island (Grog selling, Blood's Sister, Giant Mug Island). Visit Grokkend Island for more details.

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