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Secret Levels in JK2


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I hope they put some secret levels in Jk2 LIke they did in the first one. Well they only put one but whatever. That level was kinda cool but it was also extremely repetive and poorly maade but it was fun to run through bespin like that. I want to see some levels like Luke running through yoda's training course on Dagobah or something like that. Or maybe some levels out of some of the Star Wars books.

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I too would like to see some secret levels in JKII...but not just tagged on as an after-thought, with a location from the movies.


I'd like to see something similar to QII, where the secret level is still part of whatever base you are exploring, but offers up a new weapon, or armour, or some piece of equipment that can assist you throughout the rest of the game. That would just make far better sense to me. You wouldn't have to discover it to complete the game, but it would be helpful if you did. :)


I liked some of the secrets in DF better than some of those in JK...because they were more like secret chambers...another part of the map that had not yet been explored.

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Not really a secret level and perhaps a clichè these days, but easily done: locked gun storage on imperial base. It's realistic, because even imps can't let everyone walk to their storage and pick up weapon of their own choice, so it's kind of secret. ;) As you said, you don't have to "discover it to complete the game", but it surely helps especially if you are low on fire power... That might also be excellent place to hide some easter eggs, like stormtrooper rifles signed with funny names by their owners, perhaps box of broken lightsabers from AOTC, helmet and armor of Jango Fett and electronic book written by Palpatine, before he came Emperor; kind of his failed attempt to be political writer, but readers didn't like that much his rasistic views of how to handle situations in Old Republic, so it sucked. Big time. :D

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And storm trooper barracks and commander's private quarters containing personal items. Afterall, Storm troopers are people too :D


Of course, these doors should be locked, seeing how it's suppose to be private area and all.


Kill storm trooper, take his keycard to his room, see a picture of the widow, and her 8 kids. :p


poor kids, their father was a week from being honorably discharged too.

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