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Description of a normal person


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Originally posted by Chuzwuzza

well obviously normal people have to have an afro.


Oh, absolutely... this thread is meant to follow up the poll about Am I normal? Heh.


I think a normal person is one who evens out their time, 2 hour sleep, 6 hours school/work, 2 hours total of eating... and 14 hours of computer time :D:guybrush:

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Originally posted by Schmatz

If you were to see a normal person on the street, what would he/she look like and how would they act?

Chances are... when you encounter "normal" people on the street, you don't see them. Or more acurately, you don't notice them and certainly don't remember them. It's the ones that you define as "abnormal" that become the ones you see, notice and remember.


The phrase "Why be normal?" is both advice and warning. Normalcy is generally ignored, so it depends on how you wish to be remembered. If you act "normal, you become slightly invisible. But if you want to be remembered, then you adopt some un-normal behavior that makes you stand out in a crowd.


Conversely, if you are too abnormal, then you also become slightly invisible, because people will try their best to ignore you. (After all, how many of us go to shake the hand of the drunk who is screaming obsenities at no-one, in the street... Instead you avert your eyes and try your best to ignore them...but you DO remember them, don't you?). It all depends on how visible you want to be. It's a fine line really.


P.S. MeddlingMonk ...I love that line. I didn't care that much for the movie, but it had several quotable lines.

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Originally posted by MeddlingMonk

"Normal is what everybody else is and you are not."

--Dr. Soren (Star Trek: Generations)




Anyway, who's normal? NAME ONE PERSON?




Stop Barking or Mr Quinn will have you shot


*grrrrrr* *BANG!*


I warned you




Wascally wabbit

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Originally posted by dark spirit

my friend spade had an afro but he shaved it off for charity!

yes I am aware I'm quoting myself but I just wanted to clarify that spade is not his real name but we call him that so i thought I'd clear that up before anyone thought I was making friends with garden tools! :D

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