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the patriot


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Guest SlashAndBurn

That was a cool movie...kinda like Braveheart in Revolutionary America(not that thats a bad thing) And Gibson is such a good action actor its unbelievable! The only thing I kinda had a problem with was that it was completly inacurate history wise (as far as events) but the attitudes of the characters were fairly acurate for the time...ok the history major in me is done.


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Eh...I liked Braveheart better than The Patriot. At least when it was in Scotland it was somewhat true to the original plot. In The Patriot, the British are portrayed as rather bloody (Colonel Tavington) and pompous and haughty (General Cornwallis). And one man and his two preteen sons taking out an entire British unit? I don't think so.


In terms of action, it definitely satisfies. But I still prefer the ol' hack and slash of Braveheart. Plus, I just like that cool Scottish accent. :p

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