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Darth Vader #4 An Empire's Fury


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What am I doing wrong here. I can only get 5 minutes into the game and then I'm defeated.


I'm able to free the stormtroopers. Then the computer says Veers has been captured. I send Vader and the troopers to rescue him but he just keeps walking towards the Rebal Base. Once he gets to the base the gate opens and Veers walks in. I am then defeated.

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Well, normally, when you kill all the purple guys surrounding him, you free him. It's probably a bug. I have found another bug in that same mission at the start, when darth talks with the govenor and you cant control your troops. While he was talking suddenly 2 mounted troopers appear and start flaming my uncontrolable troopers! That was really lame, they just stood there and died.

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Guest BountyHunter

If I'm not mistaken there are some other type of troopers with that convoy, mechs maybe?


You have to be at that crossroad as fast as possible. You may be missing the very beginning of that convoy. :boushh:

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