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Will Jedi Knight 2 use similar netcode that Valve uses on all HalfLife (CS, TFC etc.) games ?


Half-Life netcode does not discriminate against 56K users as damage/data is calculated differently.

In last Raven game, Elite Force, when you fired a weapon the data went to the server telling it that weapon was fired by you and that the projectile was realised. Because of slower conection, by the time the request for "fire" (projectile realise) was sent, the target has already moved out of the way, thus you missed the target. This is why there is lag between you pressing the mouse button and the gun actualy fireing.


On the other hand, the new netcode that Half-Life uses works differently. All the combat is done on your computer. You see a target, you fire and he takes damage ON YOUR COMPUTER and then the damage data is sent to the server. This way people with slower conections stand a chance. They dont have to wait for the server to acknowladge they they just fired, but instead all is done on their computer and then the damage data is sent.


This is the reason why I am good at Counter Strike and TFC. I am on 56K but because of the new netcode, it does not matter much if I have lag. On the other hand I can not play Elite Force as my weapons fire a second or two after I press the trigger and the target is out of the way by the time I shoot.



*Elite Force is using the same engine as JK2 - Quake 2 Arena engine...




TFC/CS elite sniper signing off :trooper::deathstar

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JKII will have the Quake 3 team arena netcode probably

I dont see why they would change one of the strongest points of the engine

I played JK with pings of above 500ms, It was playable, but thats history

Games should be designed to work on good connections IMO

Its bad for the people who has 56k, I know, I had that some months ago, but 56kers will have to move if they want to play online

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with every new multiplayer game it is getting harder and harder for companies to make it 56k compatable, it even holds them back a little on a few things, i also think in the near future if your running on a 56k you wont be able to play multiplayer games unless u upgrade.....

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There will likely be client-side prediction in Jedi Outcast. But it's not clear whether there will be client-side collision detection, as Morpheus4873 has requested.


While client-side collision detection has a definite 'lag' reducing effect (you shoot at what you see without need to compensate for latency), it is more vulnerable to client-side cheats than server-determined collision detection. Moreover, aim-bots are known to defeat server-side collision detection, so neither solution is 100% cheat-proof.


BTW it is possible to conduct weapon firing effects on the client side, to reduce the appearance of so-called 'weapon-delay,' even where the server determines collisions. E.g. show the gun firing effects before they are indeed confirmed by the server. A pretty common method in multiplayer games.


Game replication, a la Unreal Tournament, also reduces the appearance of game slowdown. In a nutshell, game replication is a method where the complete gamestate runs on both the server and all clients. The server version is the 'master' when reconciling any differences in gamestate. I do not know whether Q3 tech uses full game replication, or just similar concepts in multiplayer.


Last I read the Q3world forums, 100% of Quake3 collision was determined server side, but that is from an unofficial source.


It would be nice if Kenn Hoekstra and the Raven gang could share a little insight into how multiplayer Elite Force (or Jedi Outcast) handles collision detection. Is it 100% server side? A mixture of client and server? Which effects are client side, and which have to be verified by the server before rendering on the client screen?

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It will use the Quake III Team Arena netcode, possibly modified. Client-side collision detection would totally r0x0rz, especially for saber combat. However, as Wilhuf said, it's more vulnerable to cheats.


The best thing would probably be some customizable prediction settings, like in Serious Sam. It not only lets you pick what connection you have (ex: 33.6k, 56k, xDSL/Cable) it also lets you adjust the options specifically, like how much to predict. It would be nice for power users who know what they are doing.


Still, when I play Q3 and RtCW, I have a really good 56k connection, so I usually play on servers with a < 200 ms ping. On these good servers, I can play with up to 12-14 people before I start to lag a lot, and I get "Connection Interrupted" all the time. I don't have to do much lead shooting, either.

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As long as we're not gonig to be playing anything like UT.... That games multiplayer sucked so badly.... You couldn't do anything except see images of where u thoguht the persomn was and shoot and find out they were behind u all the time. that network ode heafty sucked.... and i mean sucked. Collission detection sounds great but i heard it's bads for bots. also I hope Raven are reading this and give us the option at the beiginning of the match for collission detection or stupid mode (server has to control all sorts and it totally sux for 56kers)

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