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Soul Reaper 2 Demo


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Soul Reaver?

I also downloaded it but I cant play it

I cant play anything 3D

you wonder why?

the other day I was using my PC and it suddenly turned off

power source dead

I installed an old source I had, but It has terrible ventilation, so everything gets very hot inside

If I play some 3D game the graphics card temperature raises to 90ºC and above

I hope that its because of the source`s ventilation, because I didnt have that problem before

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I don't know why this was moved when in the offical F.A.Q. the question was ask if there would be film cutscenes or if they would use the in game engine. So the answer was explain that it would use the in game engine (Quake3),so my question was if the Quake engine could do the same????:confused:

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