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It's over: the XWA list


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JR2000Z, Wow. What died and crawled up your ***.


How can it crawl into my *** if its dead?


Nob- Maybe because you put it there?


Well, actually who died and made you supreme fun killer of the forum?


'Surpreme Dictator' is what I would like to be called. I will now control the amount of 'fun' that that this forum offers. Noboy ever said forums have to be fun.


Nob- Have you forgotten that I can do things like this, while you can't? And don't even bother bringing up mod abuse. I'm doing this to prove a point.


Maybe YOU don't, ****head.


If I don't care about fun in the forums, do you actually think that I would care about being called a ****head? Ha! You are a funny man Nute.


Nob- Auto censors are nice. Too bad they do it via words rather than by poster.


I also noted your use of 'F*cked' and '@ss.' If there's anything stupider I have yet to see it. If you're going to swear they DO IT and don't dance around the fact by trying to covertly do it.


Sure if you stop using the **** that you seem to use all the time.


Nob- At least he's letting the censor do it's work, rather than dancing around it.


--This message has been edited by a second class Deity. In the future watch your tone. :p

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Yes!!!! My cantina thread, even though it is never really noticed, is not on the hate list! Maybe its because you don't notice it...


And I think goodbye posts and "I'm back" posts are useful. It means we won't bother trying ot reach you.

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Originally posted by JR2000Z

Thats what I was trying to prevent but these <u>losers</u> keep screwing things up!


ahahaha. IRONY ALERT


Originally posted by JR2000Z

18. 'Internet Language'


'l33t' and others is getting stupid. Stop it before it becommes another 'All Your Base' thing.




Edited because I ****ed up an image tag.

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Originally posted by Poor Bastard

Edited because I ****ed up an image tag.


Not to say that you brazialians and various other forum readers aren't observant, but on vB boards, IT DOESNT SAY THAT YOU EDITED THE POST, so why put an explantion?


And Ike, if they use PM's, we don't get the jot of watching Nute, PB and various others OWN JRgayZ.......:D

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