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Copy Protection for MI2


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Hi guys, I received MANY complaints about including copy protection patches on my website, many claimed I didn't own games. for a little fun I programmed a splash page that would randomly ask you for a dial-a-pirate number, but then reprogramed it to be a solution generator and made another for the mix'n'mojo code wheel - for MI2 (both took some time concidering I had to copy all the numbers on the code wheels and then verify them).


But I saw two people asking about MI2's copy protection so here it is: My website hosts full patches to remove copyprotection from MI1 and MI2.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by fender

and I will edit the site adress out of every post I can...... as will other mods hopefully.

Oh geez, I once asked LucasArts if they had a problem with me distrubuting copy protection, I sent the request to techsupp@lucasarts.com (thier olny PUBLIC email). They fowarded it for me to legal@lucasarts.com (I think that's what it was), and five or so days later they said they have no problem whatsoever. Since I had also asked them about The Scumm Bar distrubting MI1's .mp3 files they explained since the sound track was released digitally with the game they had no problem, although it was illgeal and they could stop them, what I'm doing is NOT illegal.


I had asked some other stuff I do not need to repeat here, mainly about the copyright on save games, on this, on that, et cetera.



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I asked Metallus to ban him- mainly due to the fact I had finally had enough of his comments about religion and everything. The final straw came when he said he had spoken to God himself and amoung other things in that post (can't remember which one) Metallus agreed and banned him. I don't mind people having an opinion on religion, but when people try to force their beliefs onto other people (such as what Mek was doing) and then saying everyone is gonna go to hell blah blah blah blah. The thing that got me was the comment that catholics believe the pope is higher than God or some crap he was going on about- I asked my mother about it (she's religious, but not obsessive) and she said it's a load of crap.


Anyways, he's banned now, maybe banning him was a lil harsh, and if everyone agrees it was, well I'm sure Metallus can unban him- I just thought if he was banned it would teach him a lesson.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes there have been issues in the past which you and i and everyone are violently opposed to - but mek has been allowed back into the forums with a second chance, it's only fair to try and give him that chance and not take every pot shot you see fit.


He knows he's skating on thin ice and, i think, will be more careful with his words as a result, but if you want to help matters, please don't aggrevate.


Thanks everyone :)

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