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This is what bothers me about Catholics, do you take a man's word over God? The answer should be obvious, but then for them it isn't.


For them? You ought to listen to yourself once in awhile. I think you should know that you are running the risk of insulting a few of them who happen to post here quite regularly.

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The pope is against sex before marriage and condoms and so on- I guess I'm in big doo doo with the pope then... hmmmmmmms nevermind, probably too much info, but with those sort of comments makes me hate religion, I mean come off it we're in the 21st centuary, with those sort of comments about condoms and everything by the pope, would he rather that everyone gets pregnant and having unwanted children and so on and so forth, rather than using some form of protection? That's just my opinion, and while I don't mind people having their opinion on religion, I get really cranky when people try to force a particular religion on me by saying "blah blah blah blah blah god is wonderful, worship him blah blah blah blah"

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Met, I don't think he meant any offence. What else could he have said? He couldn't have said 'you', bexause 'I' may not be Catholic (and I'm not). He couldn't have said 'you Catholics', because that's even more offensive than 'them'. He couldn't have said anything without it seeming offensive, so 'them' was a pretty good choice.


I realise I'm walking on thin ice here, and I don't mean to offend anyone; I just think you're being a bit harsh, Metallus.

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I'm sorry, I should have thought twice about using the word them and instead reused Cathloics. I do not intend any offence in any post here. Cathloics are simply a division of Christianity, and yes "no sex before marrige" and the no condom/pill idea do often make Cathloics hypercritical.


But then again I could speak of my own beleifs in the area. [mine being I hate divorce and think it should be illegal]. You know it's like IVF and how I don't like it; genetic selection, soon maybe genetic screening - I will never submit.


The other hypercritical thing is ofcourse to say one thing and do another, but I won't go into that.



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Originally posted by Meksilon

I'm sorry, I should have thought twice about using the word them and instead reused Cathloics. I do not intend any offence in any post here. Cathloics are simply a division of Christianity, and yes "no sex before marrige" and the no condom/pill idea do often make Cathloics hypercritical.


But then again I could speak of my own beleifs in the area. [mine being I hate divorce and think it should be illegal]. You know it's like IVF and how I don't like it; genetic selection, soon maybe genetic screening - I will never submit.


The other hypercritical thing is ofcourse to say one thing and do another, but I won't go into that.




well thats just stupid, let me get this straight......you don't like the catholic religion because you don't agree with their principles of religion. But you are not judging catholics, you're generalizing a few catholics that you have met, I'm sure you don't know all the catholics in the world (and not the majority either) and you categorize them, you, sir, are an ignorant, dictator...

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Catholics can use condoms and the pill and have sex before marriage, it's just that the pope frowns on it and basically says you're gonna go to hell if you do so- of course he doesn't say it like that, but that's the general outline. I'm catholic so it looks like I'm gonna go to hell :D From what I gather, also catholics hate gays, which is hard considering my friend is gay and when he went to confess it to a priest, the priest basically said he was going to hell- now he hates himself coz he's gay coz he doesn't wanna go to hell. I just think the catholic religion is way behind the times and need to get with the programme. I know not all catholics think like the pope, but basically coz he's the big boss person literally, many people follow what he says- thats why I personally think religion is screwed, I prefer to do my own thing without worrying about if I'm gonna go to hell coz of it. But that's my opinion

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I smell the the disgusting stench of prejudice here.


Anyways, I just wanted to know if Mek judged people based on religion. And due to his obviously biased views, I assume he does. Well, I certainly look down on you Mek. I have no respect for you, and I consider you a horrible person.

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Takes the subject AWAY from religion ;)


`Humor. Come on, if I make one of my sarcastic remarks, and he just sits there, or corrects it, or whatever, I'm going to.. piss on him.

`Looks. I'm not talking Brad Pitt, but if I can't look at him without throwing UP on him, that's no good.

`MJ Fan. OK, I went out with this guy who hated MJ and that's what we fought about all the time. MICHAEL JACKSON! COME ON!

`Smart. OK, This may be shallow but I'm talking REALLY SMART, A) uhh MONEY. and B) Nothing like a nerd in bed (did I say that out loud?) heh :)

`Not too Horny. K, Like I'm talking he should be able to watch me eat a banana/lick a popsicle without getting all randy



Live from New York it's SATURDAY NIGHT!

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A few words:


1. Gays are a delicate issue I personally beleive homosexual relaionships are wrong, but it isn't wrong to be gay. (ie as the Bible says "homosexual offenders will be sent to hell").


2. Religion either makes a person a part of that religion or hypercritical.

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Originally posted by Meksilon

A few words:


1. Gays are a delicate issue I personally beleive homosexual relaionships are wrong, but it isn't wrong to be gay. (ie as the Bible says "homosexual offenders will be sent to hell").


wow, you ARE stupid. its not a choice to be gay....dumbass, they cant help it.........

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I don't know whether it's a 'choice' to be gay or whether it's a I can't think of the word I'm looking for, ok basically they're born gay. The thing I don't get with gays is why does it take them to realize at the age of 14/15/16 that they're gay? I personally don't have anything wrong with gays- I love em dearly, they're so cute personality wise, especially drag queens :D


In the case of gays, I don't think it's fair to judge someone based on who they prefer sexually, maybe I'm being biased coz one of my closest friends is gay, and I love him dearly, but he's the same as before I knew he was gay, only he prefers guys.

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There's a major difference between you and Mek, Natty. You have been experienced by the outside world and this is why you think the way you do. You're sympathetic to homosexuals, because you know that they are real people too, they aren't evil. You aren't biased, you simply have experience with such a subject. Do you even know any homosexuals Mek, or are they just something you read about on http://www.chick.com?

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Originally posted by Guybrush122

wow, you ARE stupid. its not a choice to be gay....dumbass, they cant help it.........


[A certain portion of this message used naughty language and was censored out. Swearing is not a good way to resolve any kind of argument, well, unless the fight takes place in a Saigon whorehouse. Have a nice day! - MtBlanc]


If you aren't going to listen to what I say you don't deserve to post a reply. I know they're born gay - I never denied that: I even said that. But to actually have homosexual relationships is a choice.



gays are a delicate issue I personally beleive homosexual relaionships are wrong, but it isn't wrong to be gay. (ie as the Bible says "homosexual offenders will be sent to hell").


Don't ever talk to me in that way again. I have not said anything to personally attack another here, and I won't. I'll simply say you are misinformed and blinded.


For instance:

Leviticus 18:22, God clearly commands, "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable." Imediatly after verse 23 says: "Do not have sexual relations with an animal and defile yourself with it..."


The first Chapter of Romans is particually interesting, if you'll read from say verse 24 onward. Note verse 26 calls it "shameful lusts".


Furthermore, Jesus always upheld the Old Testament Law (see Matthew 5:17-19 which I've written out for you at the end), which strictly condemned homosexual acts. Because in the bible HE does not address Homosexuality individually does not mean it's okay, there are many sexual behaviors that He did not address including incest, rape and bestiality.


It's the homosexual act which is wrong, I never said that some people won't be "naturally" attracted to members of the same sex, I said that the act is wrong. And there is not one verse in the Bible to contradict me; hence I must beleive the lines that agree.


I suggest any of you read through Solomon's Song of Songs which describes the beauty of hedrosexual lovers.




Matthew 5:17-19 (Jesus speaking)

[17]Do not think I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. [18]I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the last stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. [19]Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commandments will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

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I really hate to do a double-rply like this, but the last one took me so long to write two more posts popped up in the mean-time and I didn't want to just edit it into my previous message.


Originally posted by MtBlanc

There's a major difference between you and Mek, Natty. You have been experienced by the outside world and this is why you think the way you do. You're sympathetic to homosexuals, because you know that they are real people too, they aren't evil. You aren't biased, you simply have experience with such a subject. Do you even know any homosexuals Mek, or are they just something you read about on http://www.chick.com?


No offence intended here, Natty is majorly hypercritical. A real Catholic is supposed to think of the pope as more important then Jesus is today (which also makes Lauren hypercrical and I don't think she's really Catholic although she insits she is). In her (Lauren's) words I can really be a "pain in the arse". If my girlfriend thinks that of me I can't exactly expect anything too great here.


All the same, I do know what I beleive and why I beleive it, in answer to your question MtBlanc, yes I have had gay friends in the past but currently do not. No one is evil, but everyone has the potentional to do evil things even for what can be seen as pure reasons.


I didn't call Homosexuals evil. But the act is fueled by the evil one.


This is where my input to this conversation stops because I have said all I wish to say on the subject and while you may want to post a reflection on it in a reply this isn't a Christian message board and we've been off-topic long enough. I will answer PMs and emails though.


All I have said is because I feel strongly on the matter and I beleive that it is important, thankyou all for sharing your views with me.



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You'll make one last comment, and so will I. First of all, do you mean hypocritical when you say hypercritical? You haven't been making any sense by using the word hypercritical, so I assumed you meant hypocritical.


And gay people do evil acts apparently, but they aren't evil themselves?...hmmmm....because they're motivated by Satan?...hmmm....Now if that isn't a flawed statement, my name is Shirley.


And lastly, how do you get off saying Catholics believe that the pope is more important than Jesus? This is an incredibly wrong statement, and if you can find any Catholic literature to actually back it up, I'd like to hear it. I don't believe anything in Vatican II stated that all Catholics renounce Jesus in favor of a pope. I myself am I Catholic of 18 years. I have been confirmed as well. I have many friends with the same faith. I am also close friends with a priest. My mom has taken many classes in theology. You are wrong. The Pope is the highest earthly authority, but everyone on Earth answers to the higher power. And that means everyone.


I didn't want to respond to any of your other garbage about Catholicism either. Most of it is junk that is based on stereotypes about the religion in the 17th century! But this was the one incorrect statement I couldn't stand.


Also, apparently, you don't follow the teaching of Jesus that states that you should treat everyone equally: the blind, the poor, Jews, Gentiles, the rich, whoever.


And finally, you got a last statement, and so did I. I will now refrain from posting about religion and prejudice. PM and instant messenger only please.


But here's the qualities in the perfect girl for me!


-Sense of humor - cliche, but come on, it's important.

-Active - I don't like anyone who sits around all day.

-Intelligent - Self-explanitory

-Must treat all people equally - I don't want to go out with Mek's sister here, come on. (ooh, unnecessary low blow)

- Good-looking - Not necessary, but hey, it's a mighty big plus.

-No smoking - Uggh

-Should refrain from listening to Michael Jackson at all times. :)

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How am I hypocritical? Just coz I'm catholic doesn't mean I have to agree with the religion, the only reason I'm catholic is coz my mum is and I had my communion when I was 7 or whatever. At least I'm moving on and getting with the programme in the 21st centuary, the pope isn't, he's still in lala land over things like condoms and gay people. I believe in treating everyone the same, whether they be male/female/homosexual/jewish or whatever the person is. I just think religion sux, but that's my opinion. Many of my friends are catholic, and the only reason they are is coz their parents are blah blah blah blah, and they've had their communion when they were younger, we all agree the religion is crap and in someways very unfair to gays and lesbians. I was always brought up to treat everyone equally and respect others, and in my opinion, the catholic religion doesn't do that to gays and lesbians.

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Heh, who are you trying to argue for Natty? :)


Anyways, Mek is saying because you consider yourself a Catholic, that you must support all of the traditional doctrines of the Church. ALL of them. Even though I am a confirmed Catholic, I don't always agree with the Church. My priest doesn't even agree with the Pope. It's not a big deal. Supposedly, religion is a cookie-cutter process in which if you choose a faith you must agree with it wholeheartedly. Maybe Mek thinks that all Democrats must think exactly the same.


But whoops, I posted again. Sorry, but it was way too tempting. :)


Now about that perfect girl/guy...


(Stop posting Natty! :))

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Originally posted by MtBlanc

Heh, who are you trying to argue for Natty? :)

(Stop posting Natty! :))



I'm arguing for myself, I'm still trying to figure out why I'm a hypocrite, I mean I didn't get a very good reason for why I'm one, basically other than I think the pope needs to get with the programme and into the 21st centuary


Post :p

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I am very much a man of my word, I'm not going to post any more, I mean God created woman FOR man and it then explains why we can have hedrosexual relationships, but I'm really not interested in continuing to people with closed minds. Two years ago I would have agreed that gays are fine, but I've learnt since then.


Let me draw your attention to the issue: it is God's word. The name of God is Yahweh. Who has the highest authority. IF He says something is wrong then it is wrong, and there need not be an explination. For instance if you have a job and do not give away 10% of your earnings you are sinning against the Lord God.


Yes okay I'm not a spelling wiz, you don't need to tell me hypocritical, hypercritical, it's all the same to me.


And gay people do evil acts apparently, but they aren't evil themselves?...

Yes, they are influenced by the Beast (who's name is Satan and NOT Lucifer). Simple, that's the only explination I offer, they have simply allowed themselves to be mislead by evil, yes.


And lastly, how do you get off saying Catholics believe that the pope is more important than Jesus?


I too am confimed, but I was confimed in an Anglican church. I don't beleive the Priest or any Bishops have higher authority then any other Christian. They are leaders but not God, that's the diffrence with the Pope. The Catholic beleif is that the pope is more important to God than anyone else, he is God's authority on earth as Jesus was 2000 years ago and hence Catholics are supposed to live by his word along with God's. For instance "don't use contraception" which I personally think is a compleatly wrong beleif.


It's true I don't treat everyone equally, that is my flaw. but I do treat gays equally. But I have a huge problem when it comes to cults/occults/cult based religions. Then, I'm sorry, but I do get biosed.


By the way, ask yourself this from Natty...


How am I hypocritical?


I just think religion sux.


She's Catholic? Ha, don't think so. She isn't even Christian, I can't beleive she said that! Perhappys you could include that quote saying "that's why your hypocritical" for me, but I don't want to offended anyone or get into personal attacts. But to disagree the pope my friend is a contradiction to the meaning of Catholic. Now open your Bible, there are 67 books in there, well there are in the Protistant version anyway, if you can't find any evidence to support the fact that Homosexual acts aren't against God's will then we'll assume I'm right.


In closing I'd like to remind you that yes some people are gay, I know that and I never said they aren't born that way. But they should have the wisdom not to give in to "shameful lust".




Personal Note: This was supposed to be a PM to MtBlanc, but it was 2.8 times to big and I could never condence it. I have not altered a thing and I am very angry I was forced to post it since the email function is disabled. MY email is aractus@msn.com if you want to corrispond that way. Thank you.

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How dare you say I am not a catholic? You don't even friggen know me, it's my opinion that I believe the pope should get with the programme- we're living in the year2002 now, we're not in the 17th centuary anymore. It's my opinion- so deal with it.


You're a joke Mek, go take your pathetic preaching onto some lame bible bashing forum, just because I'm catholic doesn't mean I have to agree with everything the pope/religion says.


I don't think the pope is higher than God- and to any catholics that do, probably belong in the fruitloop house.


Maybe I should say that God doesn't exsist? Does that make you happy? I think god is a jerk, he can kiss my arse, I had sex with satan and I'm pregnant with his child.


Sheeeeeesh, sure I've seen people talk rubbish sometimes, but you really take the cake- get over it, why should I agree with everything the pope says?

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