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Shy people, unite! Rhett will save us!

Guest Sherack Nhar

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Guest Rogue15

i believe what rhett said is right, about the doing something that'd totally embarass yourself, if u keep doing stuff like that, u get used to it, and it's not as embarassing. :D


Good tip, yet so darn obvious. now if u really want to impress them, do something funny, like when you're at a mall, and u see one of those pools, jump in, and pick of all the quarters and give them to her.

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Guest DarkTrooper

what does it matter if he has more posts then u. and plus its not like u cant flame someone just say it, just let it out

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Guest Tie Guy

Umm...Dr. Rhett...Sir


I've got this strange tendency to be very outgoing around my friends, yet i never talk at all around strangers or people i don't feel comfortable with. Its not as much that i'm shy, i guess, i've done musicals in front of our entire church, which would be around 1000 people at a particular service.


Do you have any suggestions on how i can reach out and socialize with people i don't know?



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Originally posted by Tie Guy

Umm...Dr. Rhett...Sir


I've got this strange tendency to be very outgoing around my friends, yet i never talk at all around strangers or people i don't feel comfortable with. Its not as much that i'm shy, i guess, i've done musicals in front of our entire church, which would be around 1000 people at a particular service.


Do you have any suggestions on how i can reach out and socialize with people i don't know?




It's me?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?:eek:

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Guest Boba Rhett

Common ground's a very good place to start. Look for chances to talk to someone when the topic is something you know about.


Relax, don't let them know your nervous. "Play it cool" as it were. :cool:



Sherack: There's another problem, Who cares what other people think? You shouldn't. Don't approach it like your trying to ask them out on a date. Approach it like you just wanna talk to someone about a common interest or are just commenting on something. Let it grow from there.


Another BIGGY is Humor. You have to use it. It breaks down barriers in almost any situation. This is how you can win them over. ;) I've had multiple girls flirting with me at the same time just because I was making them all laugh.

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Rhett, I desperately need your help! :D I have the same problem as myslef, err Tie Guy above. My friends? I can talk FINE to 'em! People that I don't know. . . that's another story. The problem is: i just started a new school system last year and I DON'T know everyone. . . just a few people. :( I don't want to do stupid things because then people will make fun of me, cause since they don't know me they'll think I'm ALWAYS like that! D'oh! I want friends but not because I act wierd all the time! HEEEELLLLLLPPPPPPP!!!:(


BTW Sherack, good idea for a thread! :D

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Guest Boba Rhett
Originally posted by darthfergie

Ahhh...so that is why the morons in class always are hoarded by girls...because they act stupid all th time and everyone laughs at their stupidity...wow...deep man...deep...


Hmmm... I sense a whole bunch of emotions in that. Kinda sad. :( I wont bother listing all of them. :D



Thrawn, read my previous posts. They'll help you.

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Guest Boba Rhett

Church is a great place when trying to get to know strangers because of the simple fact that your all there for the same reason. Let the conversatons flow from that reason. "And they will if you try" ;)

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Thrawn

Rhett, I desperately need your help! :D I have the same problem as myslef, err Tie Guy above. My friends? I can talk FINE to 'em! People that I don't know. . . that's another story. The problem is: i just started a new school system last year and I DON'T know everyone. . . just a few people.


Thrawn, i'm beginning to wonder if we were separated at birth. ;)


Anyways, i just moved to a new school too, and practically the only people i know are the people that used to go to my old school. (I went to a private school that goes up to the 9th grade, so in 9 or 10th grade everyone has to disperse to the public schools) In total, i have about 15 friends at the school, period. And since i'm an intravert by nature, i have trouble meeting new people. (not that i really have much of a problem with that, i like my little group of friends, we all get together for church/youthgroup/small group.)

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Its a good thing that your smart and play a sport.... if you didn't youd be an outcast from society lol j/k im going to University next year so Ill have the same problem.

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Master Rhett,


I am a shy person, but not really. I am completely and totally comfortable around people, I'd flash em and I wouldnt care. The problem is, I just can't TALK to them. Nothing comes to my mind on what to say or how to start a conversation... I know the basic things.. find a common ground, talk about the weather, approach and deliver... I just don't know how to talk to anyone unless it's on a computer... I realize I'm a nerd, but the limit to my social skills are the forums. :D

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Ok, here is my problem.


Im in love (yes really) with a girl who I hardly ever see, her parents are very strict about school work and such.


Just when I think im over her, something comes along and reminds me of her (such as finding her photo) or I get to see her for about 10 minutes (that is such torture).


Iv tried getting to know other girls but they tend to just end up being annoying very quickly.


Any ideas?



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Guest Sherack Nhar
Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Church is a great place when trying to get to know strangers because of the simple fact that your all there for the same reason. Let the conversatons flow from that reason. "And they will if you try" ;)

I don't go to church, so I'll have to find another place for "common grounds"...

mmh... Well there IS a girl I've been eyeing for a while in my computer class... but I don't know if she likes computers or not.

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Guest Sherack Nhar

Well, I know nothing about her. Don't know her friends, her tastes, email address, nada. Maybe she already has a boyfriend!


Yeah, that's yet another problem. Did this ever happen to you guys: finding out the girl you're fond of already has a boyfriend?

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Luke Skywalker

Its a good thing that your smart and play a sport.... if you didn't youd be an outcast from society lol j/k im going to University next year so Ill have the same problem.


Yeah, i'm hoping to get a few more friend when tenni season starts in Feburary.


However, i've found being smart doesn't get you many friends, well, at least the kind i want. Take Latin III for example, i've got a 100 average in that class, so everyone around me want to cheat off of me, which i don't like. Also, when i tell my existing friends, especially the girls (who aren't particuraly bright) that i got straight A's, a 100 on a test, etc. they typically say thing like "I hate you" or things of the sort, even though they asked me first. I'm not normally one to flaunt my grades. But what can i say, i've only known most of them for 11 years.

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