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Nom Anor/NJO *spoilers*

Guest SlashAndBurn

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Guest SlashAndBurn

I was rereadin the Crimson Empire 2 tpb recently and realized that one of the characters wasa vong! Nom Anor is in the serries trying to manipulate the remains of the Empire. He was also in the New Rebelion novel as the leader of a religious cult on a backwater planet trying to stir up discontent amoung the New Republic. Have either of these events been refered to in the NJO serries so far? Thanks.

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Guest SlashAndBurn

Yeah...but Nom Anor is a Vong and was in those books. And i remember the Vong being upset that he hadnt made much progress by the time the invasion actualy began. Like they expected Nom Anor to have created a 5th colum or something. I want to know if the specific events in were mentioned in the NJO books that follow book 4.

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Guest SlashAndBurn

i have a hard time choosing which timeline is better. Both are great...I remember when I read Vector Prime right when it came out...when Chewie died I had to reread the last few pages a few more times before I acepted that I didnt miss something that would give him a chance. And even after that I kept expecting him to miraculously pop up somewhere. I never thought they'd kill a main character.

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Guest SlashAndBurn

|Yeah...I kinda like how they have the Empire still there but prety much cripled. A shadow odf what it used to be. I thought killing chewie livened up the serries...as much as i hated it at first I had to admit when I wasreading any serries except for Rouge Squadren whenever any character was in danger the excitement was diminished by the fact that I "knew" they'd get out. Besides NJO I think the Rouge Squadren serries had the highest death rate of any serries but even then the ones from the movie never died.

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aint that the truth. i think the rogue series was one of the best star wars series out there (all except for the last book in it, Fighters of Adumar) that and both of the thrawn series. they actually had plots. and yes, you are right about knowing that your hero will once again live to see another day. hey, howabouts someone write a book where luke gets the axe... personally i think it is his time to go, but... maybe i am wrong and soemone else needs to...

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Guest SlashAndBurn

I personaly wouldnt want anymore of those characters die. But I'm glad that they arent scared of doing things that will advance the plot cause they're scared that Lucas will strike the ideas down.

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well, if any more fo the main characters should get the old axe, i really hope it isnt in this series. NJO is a horrible series to waste them in. Maybe bring back the empire and some sith lords, throw in some new twists, and do it in a true star wars way. (come on, luke or some other jedi gettin the death sentence from the vong just aint like getting a saber thru the gut)

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It's not luke's time yet. I bet he gets cut down in NJO though. He'll probably die so his son can live or something like that. Everybody will be emotionally scarred, yet they will rally around his death and EVERYBODY will fight back and repel the vong from the galaxy. Of course by this time Han will probably go down also. Probably while leading the final attack against the vong, where he must sacrifice himself to kill the Tsavong Lah and cripple the galactic invasion. Then only Leia, Mara, and their children will be left. Of course that will leave us w/o any good male leads so somebody else will probably step up to the plate. Probably an outsider who will be good at the start but over a couple of books become corrupt. Then luke's kid will defeat him and become male lead. After that who knows what will happen?:rolleyes:

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But the big conclusion to NJO is on the Horizen! There has gotta be some self-sacrifice of some sort. I don't think everything is just gonna be good and everybody is gonna go home. *Writer's sense tingling* Someone's gonna die. Every good conflict is won but not w/o some loss. Otherwise things would be to good. I classify the solo kids, corran, his family, so on, and so on as secondary characters. Maybe it would be the Solo children but I doubt it. Then Han would be to devastated and he'd have to give up the gusto. Then how would Leia feel? No it's probably not the solo children.

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There's the answer! *sudden writer's insight* They do capture Coruscant! They purge it of all technology, and reduce it to it's original crust. The New Republic retreats into the deep core and find's some of the empire's old technology they'd been secretly developing. Book where Skywalker goes down to repel them out of the deep core, and save his son. The rebel's gear up and retake Coruscant. In the process Han Solo has to be sacrificed to give way for new male leads. It all works. Now if only George Lucas weren't possessed by the disembodied spirit of Gene Roddenberry. Then maybe he could write a really good script for Ep. 2&3.:D

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irst i think i have to go and get star by star so i can read it. and as for the whole coruscant thing, i thing you're right, just up to the part about the old imperial tech. i dont know if it will go that far. as for ceorge and his scripts, i think you need to look at the whoole movie series as a whole, instead of just looking at episode 1. episode 1 was just a movie to set up the background info of the characters and the larger stroy (like the fall of the new republic). I do know that episode 2 will be better than episode1 and episode 3 will probably be better than 2. why? judging from what i have seen (trailers and reviews and spoilers) it looks like it will be better.

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