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My LOTR review

Crazy_dog no.3

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It's a little voilent for very young kids (In one scene a goblin's head was chopped off). Also very scary for kids. The bit when a horseman dressed in black appeared and screamed, heck, that made me jump out of my seat.


The landscape is buetiful. I like that city on the mountain edge best, were the Council meets. I think it looked a bit like Theed.

Although it did sometimes get a bit boring when u see them going around mountains 1/4 of the time.


The ending p***** me off though, I mean the two Hobbits (Frodo and Sam) were walking off the mountain and then the credits roll. We'll have to wait next year to find out.


PS: Was that human knight who got shot with arrows 3 times by that monster played by Sean Bean (U know, the guy who played the renegade agent in GoldenEye)

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I just watched LOTR last night, great flick. The costumes and makeup were amazing, the set designs were just spectacular and the scenery was awe inspiring. The CG were very well done, very difficult to pick out what parts were CG and which wasn’t. The storyline is pretty self explanatory, just read the books, if you liked them you should like the movie. I think the characters were very well developed compared to the book, or as best they could be in a movie anyway.


It is a very violent movie, a lot of graphic nature mostly, nothing more than that though so if you don’t have a weak stomach you have nothing to worry about. Some of the scenes were pretty tense, and can catch you off guard for sure, a great date movie in that respect! ;) It seemed like a lot more action throughout most of the show to me, I didn’t mind seeing them walk across the landscape, gave the feeling of a long journey and also wherever they went the scenery looked great.


I thought the magic battles could have used more special effects, rather than just the mages pointing their staffs at each other and having the other guy go flying across the room. Some of the battle scenes could have been more choreographed like the Jedi battles in TPM instead of just flashing to different scenes around the room. Also what was up with Liv Tyler, she was only in there for like 2 minutes, out of a 3 hour movie that sure isn’t much. I agree with crazy_dog that the ending was a bit of a let down, it’s like they just picked a random page to end the movie. At least with movies in a series like Star Wars there is a sense of closure, at the end of an episode it feels like the close of one chapter, which can segue into future chapters.


All in all though a great movie even if you haven’t read the books it has about a 5 minute dialogue at the beginning that kind of explains what the rings are all about. In one other thread I saw a rating system so I’ll use that template and rate this movie

:atat: :atat: :atat: :atat: :atpt: (4.5/5)

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This is the must-see movie of the year, visually stunning with great effects... But it wasnt Tolkien.


Heres a little review for those who knew the book well..


First of all, FoTR was a well mix for a all-round audience. But it had too many flaws and unnecessary changes, cuts and lacked the real development of characters, dialogues... The screenplay was dumbed-down, it was turned from Tolkien's vision to a mediocore 'hollywood' action blockbuster with too much sense on evil, rather than Tolkien's balanced-out 'good'. It was basically "Tolkien-4-dummies"


There are just some scenes which I find stupid and rather disturbed.


#1 Strayed way too much from the book. But for 3 hrs, it was well done.. it could be much much worse.


#2 Weathertop: Seeing Aragorn single-handedly fending off 7 Nazguls??!?! WTH? That was a major let down..


#3 The battle of Wizards was stupid. What was peter jackson thinking?? He might as well give them both lightsabers; seening the way they use the 'force'.


#4 Needed MUCH more time on developing the character & story than special effects for a hollywood horror film.


#5 What The Hell is Arwen (Liv Tyler) doing? She single-handedly screw the plot. I was thinking "what book was peter jackson reading?" Arwen had nothing to do with the water at the ford, it was gandalf and elrond...etc She's main roles are not supposed to be in the first film.


#6 Orcs were way too slimy and did not explain why saruman's orcs were different.


#7 Galadriel the WITCH?!!? WTH!! I was totally lost at that point.. This killed her traditional apparence and pureness.


#8 Lothlorien was WAY too short, the re-forge of The Broken Sword were not mentioned, the relation between legolas and gimli, symbolic gifts of the lady, relation between gimli and galadriel...etc was ignored.


#9 Need more time and emphasis on the Hobbits; FoTR had focus on too many 'protector' characters, hardly any time to develope more on the Hobbits (marry & pippin).


#10 Last 30 minutes was kinda rushed, way too many changes.. Not to mention the earlier exclusions.


Overall, things could have been a lot worse... No one could make a 100% tolkien fan movie, considering the time it involved. Go see the film anyways, ignore my mumbling, all true-hearted tolkien fan will have the inevitable critics... 91/100 (Need to see it at least twice to enjoy it fully)

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Well then ... I'll have my say too.


Tolkiens book, The Lord of the Rings, is a book of Myth. It goes very deep. PJ's movie adaption was an action movie, not even a very good translation.


Oh, I liked to see Middle- Earth. Hobbiton was nice, Bree felt just as in the book. Other places and characters were great to see. The mines of Moria section was way cool, but ...


PJ's adaption missed a lot. We were never introduced to Bill (we've seen a goodbye), we never saw how the Fellowship got it's grey robes. Also the movie went too quick ... for example: There are 27 between Bilbo's goodbye party and when Gandalf tells Frodo of the rings of power. Almost half a year later Frodo leaves Hobbiton. The trip from Hobbiton to Bree takes a couple of days. In those time they visit Buckland, Tom Bombadil and the Borrow-downs.


And then the whole Saruman thing. Saruman did not serve Sauron. Saruman wished the One Ring for himself. It was not Saruman that led the Fellowship off the mountain. It was the mountain itself.


PJ needed to alter the story a bit to fit it in a movie. But I fell he overdone it.


Still a good movie ... not great, good.

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I agrre with you, YD. there were things that they missed that would have been neat if they had been in there, but were not necescarry, but then there were things that were rather important that they left out. I kind of missed the Old Forest thing, and the barrow wight scene would have been cool. Also, they left out the part were Gollum comes in Lothlorien, and when the elves give Sam the rope, and when they give the fellowship the Lembas; but, oh well...

BTW, did you notice the wargs howling in the background when they were in front of the Gates of Moria? I thought that was kind of cool. And another thing, you think Liv Tyler didn't have enough time in the movie? If the had stuck exactly to the book, she would have had like, 30 seconds.

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