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What do you think should change??:confused:


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Originally posted by MercenaryI{aos

Do you think it would be cool if they had one big, in-depth campaign for a new civ?

I read a review of GB and the author complained of there not being a campaign were you could get "emotionally attached". You could switch civ midway or something (like in El Cid campaign in TC). I heard that AoM is going to have something like this and Battle Realms had a campaign like this as well. I think a Yuuzang Vong campaign would be cool where you have to face virtually all the other civs.

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Originally posted by Surfnshannon

Those damn farms! They should change those!! They always die and its hard to battle and keep them up at the same time. They should make an upgrade that lets you STOP HAVING TO REPLENISHE every 10 min. Its annoying! I understand why they do that but its hard to switch to them and switch back to the war zone.


You can (if you have carbon to spare) "queue up" a large number of farms. Late in the game, build a second food processing plant. Then queue up 10 or 12 farms in each plant. That's 24 farms that will be rebuilt without you having to do a darn thing.


A very nice feature, if you ask me.

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Originally posted by Com Raven



If you think it too much micro-management now, try playin AoK or AoE without any expansions ...






An excellent point! In the original (un-expanded) AoE game:






* There was no unit 'stance' programming... all units were on full-attack mode at all times, and there was no way to stop it.






* There were no "gates" to lock, so your units would run out through gaps in your walls (you had to leave some so you could get out to attack the enemy) to chase the bad guys, no matter what you did.

So you had to watch your units constantly lest they go haring off across the map, totally oblivious to being attacked.




* You could not garrision your troops or villagers.




* There was no "town alarm" to sound to protect yourself from sudden attacks.




* You could not queue up farms or even more than one unit per building. You want to build 10 hoplites? You have to build one, wait till it's built, and then start another one. Try building a force and working on something else at the same time, and having to stop every 30 seconds to start up a new unit.




* To trade, you had to give up other resources you have. So, you would trade 20 food for 20 gold, etc. Trading only took place at docks, so land-locked maps made trading impossible.


* You could not sell one resource to buy another no matter how much you wanted to.


And that's just a short list. The amount of freedom you have in GB compared to something like the original AoE is light years more... perhaps that is why we long-time AoE players are (mostly) quite happy with the game, while those who came to the engine with GB for the first time, have been displeased with it. We AoE vets remember the hard times, so GB seems like heaven to us. :)

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Oh, I completely agree. It was beautiful in its simiplicity. It's easier to play, quicker (a whole game usually lasted 1-1.5 hours), and it still was a ton of fun. I sunk a lot of hours into it.


I also really liked "Come and get me" and "Passes" as scenarios. So much so that I built a "passes" map for GB, though it's been long enough that I probably didn't get it exactly right. Plays pretty well, too -- though as usual, once you know the "secret" to the passes, it's almost impossible to lose against the computer. Might be fun in MP though.


May the Force be with you.

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Anyone remember the original Warcraft? You could only select one unit at a time, and rather than clicking the unit you wanted to attack, you had to click a button on the interface that said "attack" and THEN click what you wanted to kill. AND (if I remember correctly) you couldn't even move your units without clicking the "move" button. There were keyboard shortcuts, but still...


And for some reason, you could build roads. I never once used them, but you could build them. one section at a time too. None of that fancy-pants laying down a strip.

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