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New Material To Include....


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Ok here's just a few of the things that will happen when the new material is released. Wired Lamp Studios site will be getting a major face lift for starters. Included in the screenshots will be some 3dsmax shots of some of the weapons, some ingame shots of some of the levels (using StarTrek Voyager : EliteForce), very possibly a wallpaper including our beautiful heroine Codi Rabin (the name is a work in progress), very possibly though not set in stone a mp3 track from the Total Conversion's enormous soundtrack. Note this is just a small list of some of the things that will be included in the material. Also soon after the release of the material JkII.net will be hosting a chat with us at WLS for you the fans (yep all 5 of you) to ask us questions for about an hour. I'm looking forward to getting feedback in the upcoming months, and even more forward to beginning fulltime work on this mod upon the release of Jedi Knight II.

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