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Hey Rhett Whanna Hear My Dreams? Pretty Scary


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___First Dream___


I lived at my old house in Massachussettes(Spelled Wron I Think) and i would be sitting at my padio door...a blackcat would walk to the door and i opened the door to let it in...First it Bit me...Then Its Eyes Grew Red And It Grew As Big as me...it chase me around my house until i couldnt run anymore......then it ate me.....


I had this dream when i was seven and it repeated alot.....it was when i moved into my new house....


___Second Dream___(also about the house)

I would walk downstairs.....and there is this really small hallway with a bathroom and a basement....i had to cross this to get outside to freedom of....the evil dragon (HEY IT WAS SCARY AT THAT TIME!!! :) )....the dragon would come out of the bathroom.....and drag em in and lock the door....once again i was eaten....


___Third Dream___(very grusome from my point of veiw)

I was standing up on this stage with my brother, over a crowd of people....when i for no reason at all picked up a knife used as a prop ran over to my brother and slit his throught....he began coughing up blood and gagging for air....i immeadiatly woke up and became very frightened.......this happened when i was 13....dont know why either....i hadnt argued with my brothe anytime before the dream....but i really do hate him....he drives me insane......but i mean....to dream about killing him!!! COME ON!!!


Help Me Out Rhett



Here Are Some Confusing Dreams Too....


1) One Night I dreamt About A Commercial For A Music Store....The Next Day I Saw The Commercial On TV....


2) I was walking through a futuristic city and there was this elevator so i got on it....it took me up and there was another elevator......it took me up some more....and another elevator....this happened about thirty more time until i got to the top and my math teacher was standing there telling me i should have gotton an "A" in her class instead of a "B+" ....so she pushed me off...and i just kept falling.....


So help me out some more rhett....

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In my dreams sometimes I have prophetic visions that flash quickly. I've seen a couple of them, but I forget what they were, I know one was of a big line, I think that dream was back in September. That big line was at Best Buy just a couple of days ago. It was the same line w/ the same people getting the same things. I'll tell if I get anymore.

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i barely have dreams but when i have a nightmare its usually of a big dinosaur chasing me around new york and i run it chases all night or till i wake up


sometimes i have fairy tale dreams with talking snakes and lions and tigers and elves and dwarves and after seeing lotr probably even orcs:eek:

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