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Bug? Or just plain stupid?

Guest DarthMaulUK

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I don't come to the defense of thing I think are wrong but in this case I think he wrong at that the AI is fine. If you eliminate the need to pick targets that alone knocks the game down a notch in skill level needed to be good. Where as you once had to watch battles and give orders quickly you can now go do something else. Knowing your units will be able to win without you help because they know what to shot and when. You should have to watch your forces and at least give them some orders. Part of the challenge to me at least is keeping an eye on things knowing what’s happing else where giving targets quickly in combat splitting my attention between two places. If I could drop 10 pummels and march an army that knows exactly what to shot up to him. What’s the point I don't need to command my men or watch the battle because they can do just fine them selves? It would be more like a movie then a game just sitting watching battles and clicking a button now and again to build more men.


As for lag even in the worst (where it's playable) lag you can still move your view fairly quickly and even if it's slower since the action is slower too. Also 200 unit sounds like a lot but 50 are workers and some are on defense always in your base the field army usually doesn’t exceed 120 men and their in huge groups of like 50 to 60 and small teams meant to strike at certain points should always be watched it’s not that hard to keep a watch on men.

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Originally posted by Lord Tirion

jediaoe, you did not read... or better yet, you did not comprehend what I just posted above did you? Nobody is bashing the game. There is such a thing as "constructive criticism". Did anybody in this thread say this game sucks? No. Did anybody say they wasted money on this game? No. So why must you go out on a wild tangent putting words in our mouths making us out to be players who hate this game and despise it? If you want to debate something just for the sake of debating, then thats your own problem. But please do not come in here putting words in our mouths. ;) All DarthMaul stated was that some issues need to be attended to to enhance the gameplay. That was it.


I know this is completely off topic but your site iisn't working on my computer so I couldn't join your clan. Can you help me?

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I remember the first version of AoEII, it was very similar bugwise to SWGB. But after numerous patches and an XP, the gameplay was finally perfected.

There is most definately hope DarthMaulUK, dont give up just yet.


DarthMaul is making valid criticisms, and they should be posted here!!! We can't just assume blind love for the game.


P.S The comp rushed me on hardest with Faambaa shield generators last night!!! Stupid eh?!

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Guest Lord Tirion



"I don't come to the defense of thing I think are wrong but in this case I think he wrong at that the AI is fine."


How can you say the AI is fine when multiple people have already pointed out multiple problems with the AI? ;)


" If you eliminate the need to pick targets that alone knocks the game down a notch in skill level needed to be good. Where as you once had to watch battles and give orders quickly you can now go do something else."


You are missing the whole entire point. Some of the AI problems can literally cost you a game. I almost lost a game because I sent 9 pummels to go take out a fortess only to realise they stopped right before it and just stood there only to be picked off one after another like sitting ducks. I was lucky to have produced a big enough force to win the game, otherwise, that AI blunder would have put a huge damper on the game for me.



"Knowing your units will be able to win without you help because they know what to shot and when. You should have to watch your forces and at least give them some orders."


Yes, you should have to watch your units to make military adjustments, not to make adjustments due to the AI not doing as you ordered. Thats a different ballgame.


"As for lag even in the worst (where it's playable) lag you can still move your view fairly quickly and even if it's slower since the action is slower too."


Lag has nothing to do with how fast you can view. Lag has everything to do with commands given to units to not be processed. During a lag spurt, you can que up a building full of units only to find out later that the que command never registered. I have had that happen to me plenty of times. Another instance is during lag to send a cannon to destory a building, only for the lag to make the cannon go right to the building face to face within the enemy's fire to annihilate it.


"Also 200 unit sounds like a lot but 50 are workers and some are on defense always in your base the field army usually doesn’t exceed 120 men and their in huge groups of like 50 to 60 and small teams meant to strike at certain points should always be watched it’s not that hard to keep a watch on men."


Actually workers are the most vulnerable to lag. Ever take a worker and que up 10 houses to build using the shift command only to watch the lag make the AI only register 5 houses? Ever que up tons of farms at a time during a deathmatch game only for half of them to que up due to the same AI problem dealing with lag? I have and the AI needs to be adjusted to compensate for such a problem.

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Guest Lord Tirion



We are in the middle of creating a super site that will be located on http://nexsisguild.org. We dont play SWGB as much anymore due to the lag issues on the zone and the grief players acting up all the time. We play mostly ip games now and have guild tournies. We are really a fantasy rpg guild that is getting ready for Dungeon Siege that comes out in April. If you would like to play Dungeon Siege as well, then you are welcome to apply and can also play some SWGB with us.

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Those sound like bugs, which is different from how AI acts. A pummel stopping dead is a bug not a fault of the AI. The lag stuff has nothing to do with AI bad network code maybe bad AI no theirs no AI involved in saying build 10 units but only 5 come out that wasn’t the AI.10 to 1 it was you most likely you told him to move next to that building right after giving an attack command but didn’t realize it due to lag. If that can’t reproduce in offline it’s not the AI because it doesn’t change from online to off.

Not paying atteion will quickly cost you a battle in RL too. I have never had a unit not obey an order.

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I'm another one with pummel troubles, I never though much off it before, I'd often see pummels sitting stationery while inside a base, but I've noticed more recently that they don't even do simple things like take out walls properly.


Ok so ideally when you are attacking a base you want to punch a hole in the wall and pile the troops through, but yesterday I was intent on completely leveling a base, and had a couple of pummels lined up at either end of walls, but they would only do the first section and stop :(



All the points here are valid, but did these flaws not already exist in AoK:TC? If so then they should surely have been sorted in the first place, but as it is we must live with the flaws, for now, and concentrate on micromanaging those darn units :D

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these re soe very strange poblems. i haven't run across any of them yet. i think that some of these are just from computer to computer. one thing i noticed was that if you sent a group of mounted warriors on agressive stance beside a buildng, lets say a troop center, then a trooper comes out, the mounteis won't attack it. any other unit that i do this with, including jedi, wll attack the unit.

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