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What about lightsaber colors. . .

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The tidbit was found in several previews and was quickly diduced by me also. Several sceens show jedi. In all of those the Jedi's lightsaber is the same color as the civ.:D


Jedi at the top


TF doesn't have all the double bladed it looks like from this screen


Jedi at top



Rommel i said there is a Jedi in the frist and second one :p

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Guest xwing guy

so we can assume that TF have double blades and maybe the Imps do to but Vader didn't so we can't be sure and all of the other civs jedi have single blades.

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Originally posted by Paragon_Leon

In general, any 'dark side civ' will have Sith with double blades... although i have also seen a sith from the Imps that looked like the Emperor. without a saber...

Maybe it was the Emp.!

I'm glad they are using multiple colors, even if it's dependent on the civi's color. :)

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Guest Tie Guy

I think that it's just that the Sith have two blades, the jedi one, but that doesn't neccessaril;y mean more attacking power or any advantage at all. All the jedi will probably be very similar as far as attack and defense, with some civs getting just a tiny bit better jedi. Just a guess....:D

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