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New Screens!!

Obi Kwan

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Notice how pics 4 and 5 are almost the same. In 4, you can see that some of the force mana has been depleated while it is regained in 5. So I guess this means that throwing the sabre will use force mana? That is how it works in Obi-Wan, so I suppose it is likely (though i hadnt thought of that before)

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I also liked the outside one and the saber in the 1st one!

that ST looks like taken form the movies

except it should be cut in half if he was killed with the ls, but whatever, this is a non gore SW game (although It would be more realistic to cut them into pieces, I doubt their armor is that resistant)

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Ah... first mistake noticed...


Look at this one the left c"computer screen" has been broken but there is still a blue light shining on the control panel like the one that's still in one piece... Just a small detail, but they should be able to turn off that light source as soon as you break the thing (some inter activity...)

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Originally posted by digl

thats a good theory

I wonder were they will fall tho


Hopefully not on Kyle's head! :D


I just noticed something

The hud seems to be affected by the ambiental (does this word exist?) lightning


You're right - and dynamically, too; it's not just one HUD for light environments and one for dark...


And no, ambiental isn't a word, but ambient is just fine :)



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Yes, thanks for the heads-up Obi-Kwan.


I too think those are meteors, because they definitely seem to be coming out of the sky, and I don't see any evidence of a ship.


I wonder if that green stuff is sludge or just discoloured water?


And I like the way the ambient light affects the HUD. Nice touch. :)

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Originally posted by Wacky_Baccy


You're right - and dynamically, too; it's not just one HUD for light environments and one for dark...


And no, ambiental isn't a word, but ambient is just fine :)




Thanks :)

sometimes Im typing something and suddenly stop because I dont know what word to put in :D

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