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Yes, vehicles would be nice. I was a little disappointed when Raven said in that Q&A session a little while back, when asked if there were drivable vehicles in the game, that is was an FPS, not a vehicle action game.


Now,. I am not necessarily saying that they should put vehicles in, but that answer makes about as much sense as their justification for splitting force powers into Light and Dark. Recent games like Operation Flashpoint have shown that such artificial division of genres is no longer necessary.


If they had just said 'they didnt fit in the game', that'd be fine, but they made out that it was IMPOSSIBLE to have vehicles in, because it was an FPS...


So a mod for vehicles, designed around that idea, would be nice.

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Originally posted by TrUeFoRcE

i was thinking on adding some vehicles, like speeder bikes etc....storm, the multiplayer map size would be the thing to consider in this mod, if the maps cant be big enough there wont be alot of driving room...


Yeah...I thought of that.


I wonder how hard it would be to do something like the Train Level in SOF...in an MP context. If I remember correctly, the train actually stood still while the terrain moved underneath...and that was what we all originally had in mind with the Jabba's barge idea.


I guess any level with rolling terrain like that would have to be based on larger vehicles, so you've got room to move around.


As for swoops...well, Lord_FinnSon's idea might work...in fact, it would be fun having to make all the tight turns and avoid the obstacles. :D


Something like a Hoth battle re-enactment might be better, because most of the vehicles would be ground-based - AT-ATs and AT-STs. The snowspeeders (if used) might be a problem, though... It would be neat if you had to actually man an AT-ST, though...with a driver and a gunner. They would be useful for team-based play, like CTF or Assault-type levels. Not quite Tribes 2...but different. :)

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Originally posted by StormHammer

Something like a Hoth battle re-enactment might be better, because most of the vehicles would be ground-based - AT-ATs and AT-STs. The snowspeeders (if used) might be a problem, though... It would be neat if you had to actually man an AT-ST, though...with a driver and a gunner. They would be useful for team-based play, like CTF or Assault-type levels. Not quite Tribes 2...but different. :)


Hmm, in case you haven't noticed, Tribes 2 is hardly as popular as the hype made it. If Marweas hadn't conspired against Dynamix, it would have been a great game; Marweas was the press director, and he hated the producer from Dynamix.


I write a lot for Tribes 2 -- http://www.tribesroleplayers.com and assorted strategy guides. I also troubleshoot in the in-game chat. But all the problems <b>I</b> had nullified the game's amusing qualities.


Enough about me, I think you're talking about the Beowulf assault tank, right? I love the Beowulf, and being an AT-ST or even a walker would appease my hunger greatly. :lopsided grin:

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i would definately add vehicles like the at-st as well, and im pretty sure that the map size wouldnt pose that much of a threat, if you look at some of the sof2 movie clips and reviews, they seem to have alot of detail and i hear something about one of the helicopter maps being equivalent to 6 miles long.....if the map capabilities in JO are that large, then vehicles will definately be alot of fun, but that would only be part of the mod, not based around vehicles...


there aer probably going to be alot of people making models,skins and maps for players and weapons so my main goal is to organize all of it, maybe take all the best ideas and put them all in 1 mod something like that...but its a little hard at the moment considering that the game isnt out yet :)

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I have a feeling that when AOTC premiers, we might wanna see some kind of Coruscant MP map. Maybe that nightclub we have been hearing about would be cool place, some alley, buildings etc. I have this image in my head where you are dueling at the top of high building(maybe you could even jump from roof to roof or into nearby landing platform) and air taxis and other vehicles are flying past you... :D

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Drivable veichles would be awsome- Not just ground though,air would be nice too. One of the things I found most fun about tribes 2 (from a demo) was the veichles-it was really fun to be a gunner in a tank while your teammate drove.

I would like to see somthing like this in JK2- especialy in a team game feature. I wouldn't like to see the veichles MADE like in tribes 2 but rather just scattered around the map.

Of course we all want levels and skins as normal too. And some good SP levels too from the films.

And too the double lightsabre just as long as they don't make it the SBX invinciblestaff

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What kind of mod do I look forward to? Multiplayer mods.


1. Rocket Arena style play. All weapons, all powers, no item pickups, no respawns, no excuses.


Multiple arenas supported in a single map. Supports both 1 on 1 and team v team play. Choose between all weapons or saberist arena.


2. Team Objective-based multiplay similar to Urban Terror for Quake3 or Counterstrike. Escort the Princess, Steal the Holocron, Bomb the Hangar, Rescue the Solo, Assault the Star Destroyer Bridge. Most of the Star Wars films center on mission-based combat, so there is a huge amount of inspiration material for this type of play.

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