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help me! impt!! gimme ideas!! plz~!


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Tell them if they don't have it, i'm going to break into their house at night while they're alseep and........ eat all their cheese!



Nah, just show em how good it looks, tell them all about the game and technical side of it, not about the star wars side (eg- lightsaber battles)


Tell them about the gorgeous lighting, expansive indoor and outdoor maps, excellent ai, plethora of acrobatic moves, great net code, etc.

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I first introduced my friends to JK when I took the demo to school computer club for a large network game.

I still hadn't played the full but already I was hooked. When the game started of course I went around beating everyone with my saber while they fumbled with the controlls-but most of them really liked it and soon there were huge 16 a side team games going on. I have really got to try this with the full game.

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I find their lack of faith disturbing! :vadar: No, really, if they don't like Star Wars in general and only play usual 3rd person shooters, then show guns and other weaponry to them(this not solely lightsaber & Force powers game, you know). Perhaps you let them try your copy a little bit at your home, just to know what it feels like, but please, don't give advices while they are playing: that is annoying! After that it's their turn to do decision; don't try to force(no pun intended) them to buy it or anything like that, because it always works againts you. Okeyday?

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