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Picture of the stun baton?

Guest Obi

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<font color=cbcbff>I was going through the screenshots with a friend of mine today, and I noticed something peculiar. In one of the shots, Kyle looks to be holding something that looks like the hilt of a deactivated lightsaber. However, the lightsaber is not his. If it is indeed a lightsaber does this mean we will be able to choose multiple handles(in MP)?


My primary theory, however, is that this is a shot of the stun baton that they slipped in under our noses. Perhaps the stun baton is a telescoping rod that retracts into a handle, similar to a lightsaber. I made a quick comparison photo for you to make up your own minds. What do you think?



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<font color=cbcbff> Really? I checked and I didn't notice any different handles in the screenshots. Also, that looks like a single player level.

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It's been a while since I posted, but I've been watching and this game definetly appears to be shaping up quite well....it wouldn't surprise me with a game of the year nomination. Anyway, I must agree with Obi. I look at those two objects, the saber handle and the other thing, and I see two totally different things. Maybe perhaps two different saber handles but I really doubt it. Obi you have a sharp eye, and I think that you might be right! :)


General Theros

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But that would negate the theory that you can walk with your lightsaber off.

Anyway i hate the whole idea of stun button. What jerk would use such a crude stick if the imperial blaster can be set for stun. It's totally inconsitent with star wars universe.

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<font color=cbcbff> I'll tell you who would use it. I would. And so would anyone else who wants to sneak into a building undetected. A stun baton likely makes very little to no noise. As opposed to a blaster(even set to stun) it will not alert the guards, allowing you to take guards out of commision and sneak around undetected, or perhaps even civilians(since jedi aren't supposed to kill civilians) that you need to incapacitate without killing could be taken care of with a quick thrust from the stun baton.

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<font color=cbcbff> Oh, and that doesn't necessarily mean you <i>can't</i> walk with your lightsaber off. It simply means that that particular picture does not show that you can walk with your lightsaber off.

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<font color=cbcbff> I'm not sure if I buy that theory, Jackal. Why? Because in the first screenshots that they released for Jedi Knight II the lightsaber looked the same as it does in the new build. I think that what he is holding there is indeed a different weapon.

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<font color=cbcbff> Ok, I think upon closer inspection, that handle could very well just be the exact same handle that he always has from a different angle. I must just be insane.

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I appreciate the creative image interpretation, but I have to say both objects which Kyle carries are lightsabers. They really don't look much different at all. The difference in appearance can easily be accounted for by difference in viewing angle, rotation of the object and lighting.




1. Note the vertical dark band on the lower portion of the saber handle (held in Kyles' right hand). You can see that same band in same location of the handle the left handed image.


2. Also, see the 'grip' (for lack of a better word) at the middle of the right hand saber. It lies directly under Kyles glove. You can see the same structure in the left hand held saber, also in the same position, also directly positioned under Kyle's glove.


3. At the butt of the left-hand saber, there is a dark line or indentation. You can see a hint of this same dark line/indentation in the right-handed image.


Both objects are lightsaber handles. :D

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And there is also another reason, why it's definitely a lightsaber handle: in both of those screenshots Kyle holds it exactly same way, with his right hand just under it's "mouth" piece. He leaves lower portion of the saber handle for his left hand, because lightsaber must be controlled with both hands just like in Kendo. Here is much older screenshot that already confirms you can keep hilt in your hand even though blade itself is not ignited.


Last of all, if I used baton, I would grip it from much lower, so that I could give a good blow with it. ;)

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Have to throw the nerdy factor in...


Nowhere where stun batons have been used in literature (and they have) was telescoping a factor. If you wanna get really picky, there's a picture of a holstered stun baton on page 11 of Gundarks Fantastic Technology: Personal Gear (WEG). Their illustration looks much like a metallic billy club w/ soft grips.


In the Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology, the stun baton is a ridged club whose whoopin-up end is wider than the grip, with no evidence of telescoping, instead looking quite possitively the opposite. It's just a club that turns on and off and a weight that does slide to either end for how bad a whoopin someone might need, not to be confused with telescoping.


My guess? Just another lightsaber, and granted where Kyle holds the object in question, that does look like a single player level. But the OTHER pic in question (where the lightsaber is lit) has already been established as MP, due to the Uriel-Q3-esque Jedi-Bot meant for MP only. So perhaps you can pick the hilt of your lightsaber in MP but it would be established in SP. That sounds friggin cool, I might add.


I, though, must admit that I follow the theory of matching sabers. Too many similarities to me, although I can appreciate the question.


--The Mighty Pants.


PS: Law Enforcement officials use stun batons, especially in riot situations. It makes sense for them to make an appearance. And heck yeah, I'd use one. Nothing like knockin a guy down, dropping a thermal detonator on him, and running away giggling.


Geez I'm sadistic.

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Dont forget that Single player and multiplayer were made by two seperate groups. It could be that they started with the same sabre hilt model, then some where down the line either the multiplayer or the single player group decided to tweak it a bit.


Though this is a possiblity, I tend to agree with Wilhuf that its just an angle issue.

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