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rebel scum....

jaw jaw

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I've steadily advanced my Imperial Forces to finally attain the AT AT's (5or6) now I'm constantly getting eliminated time and time again. Rebel Scum! So whatz the strategy? Utilize half my enforcements on the cliffs? Fight three sided battle using Darth's Army from the North? I've set up shop after Luke and Solo escape, eliminating the two fortresses and abominable snow clans. Then when I regroup and head South by Southwest to finish the job these little peckers come out by the groups of tens as though I just stuck my arm down a fireant hill... short of using simonsays it appears hopeless.


I need a new hope...



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Mine, collect and then do it again. Nothing says loving like a huge army knocking at your door!! Us as many AT-AT, Anti air mobile, artillery, pummels, etc as you can and then just hit them hard, all at once, and DESTROY the rebels!


THats what I would do....:c3po:

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