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Pop 50 games

Guest Boba Sith

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no, but I play pop 25 games..against the computer since everyone at the zone can wipe me out easily with pop 200...nobody likes doing pop 25, probably cause they like to load up on workers and rush the crap out of me...which is why i don't play gb on the zone anymore...I try to do 25 pop and people say 200, i do 200, they rush me and wipe me out.

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Man I dunno how you can play with a 25 unit maximum limit. That's gotta be hard. If half your force is workers(always good advice) then you can only have 12 or so workers(3 per resource!!!)......That game would prolly last a while,after all should you attack with 10 air,jedi,,mechs,or what? I'm gonna try it tonight(with Naboo or something).

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Um......I tried 25 population twice now. I did it with Wookies and 1 Imp Ally versus TF and it's Reb Ally on the smallest map. Since the TF guy was right next to me I build a turret close to his nova :nova: deposit(it was tech 2 and you get raped without nova). Then I built 2 more by it. He kept sending droids one at a time,only to be killed. So then I built 2 jedi knights,5 troopers and 1 medic. Naturally he died(he was starved out of economy).Then I ordered the Imp to 'attack somebody!'. Since it was on easy,he only sent 1 trooper and it didn't even attack! So I 2 sent tighters over to destroy the Reb's economy(they kill workers so good). Then I sent over those same 5 repeater troopers and 2 jedi and medic. The medic died,but the troopers and Jedi prevailed and victory was mine!

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i'd think there would be an advantage to PRACTICE with low pops (say, 50 or 75). it trains your mind to balance all the units out and work more towards variance in the small games, which leads you to use the same strategy in the bigger games. you focus more on each individual unit in the low pop games, so it's good for practice. anyone have nething else to add?

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I actually started out playing pop 75-100 games, but slowly I have added more and more, until I now play 175-200. I should probably go back to 50-75 once in a while, just for fun.


Pop. 50 games harken back to the days of Age of Empires (1), when you had to have about 20 villagers (usually I did 7 food, 3 stone, 3 gold, 7 wood early on, then slowly transferred woodies over to gold, as the wood became higher than I needed) . Thus you could have at most 30 mil units, and of those, you needed 10 or 12 to defend the home base. Which meant your total army was maybe 15-20 units. It requires much more finesses than, say, building 10 AT-ATs, 40 troopers and mechs, and 15 pummels, and taking the guy out with brute force. It was also much harder to deliver a "knockout blow", since a few military units and a few towers, placed well and fully improved, could hold of a 15 unit army quite nicely.


Indeed, I shall have to try a few pop. 50 or pop. 75 games some time soon, just for the fun of it. I miss the delicate balancing act, where every unit counts.

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  • 5 months later...

I say, the more units the better....I'd prefer it if the pop was raised to 300 or 400, but maybe that's just me.


Although, if you play in scenario editior you an make situations with larger armies than 250....which is fun, assuming the other guy has an equal army so its not just a massacre.

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I'd played pop 75 for the longest time on AoC simply because that's what the standard was set as. I didn't even start playing higher populations until I played online (or played a campaign with a higher cap). Guess this is why when I'm playing on a pop 250 game I usually only have about 150 people :p



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Well, I've thought about playing lower pop wars... But when you get to the 50 pop or even 25 pop levels, it basically becomes a building war IMO. After all buildings don't take up pop space, and it's really difficult to amass enough units to take out buildings effectively defended by a small strike force... Since I don't like building wars, I don't play low pop games...


Of course, I've never tried this out, but this seems quite intuitive to me, and I would guess decent players...



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I'm not one for having a huge onslaught of units (though I do occasionally if I'm at the point where I'm going to win no matter what). I think much of this is a result of playing lower pop games for so long at the beginning. As a result, I pretty much do the best I can to make sure my units last as long as possible. The results can be a little conservative, but when you end up with kill:die ratios of about 20:1 or more, it really adds up in the later games after the opponent is burning out of resources.



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