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Secondary Saber Attack


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I don't think Ive seen this discussed anywhere yet, but does anyone have any idea what the secondary attack with the saber will be? I really hope its not an all-powerful double swing like in JK1. If so, saber fights may end up being played just like JK1, with people jumping around like rabbits with only one form of attack. All that time put into making realistic saber duels will goto waste. :-/

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It HAS been discussed. More times then anyone wants to count.


No one really knows, I guess. They say that an advanced movement system will also augment the lightsaber battling. We've seen evidence of a overhead swing and a hammer swing.


As we supercomputers say: Computing... ERROR. Insufficient variables for objective analysis.

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Nah, it won't be the double swing. I don't know what it will be though. It's strange with a lightsaber, though. I mean, other weapons feature a stronger attack with secondary fire. For instance, the disruptor rifle might charge up and let out a larger blast with secondary fire. A lightsaber is so strong to start out, I don't know that the secondary fire will be stronger persay, maybe just another attack. It might be just another type of swing.

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It could ALSO be a 'technique' button, where you swing in a certain direction//way depending on your Force level skill and your direction...


They spoke about that in the omni-directional thingy, for lack of a better word.

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Raven mentioned somewhere that, depending on your Force Power (I'm not certain if they mean Force <i>class</i>, like Jedi Lord, or they have a seperate power for it) your blocking will be better, I'm sure this extends to your abilities with the saber.

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Yea, the stronger you are with the force the more chance of reflecting the weapons fire. Also the more accurate you are, and more control over the lightsaber will increase the chance of hitting weapons.


We dont know about the primary or secondary attacks. All we have been told is by combining attacks with jumps etc will unleash many many different moves.

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I know there will be a primary and secondary fire for the guns, but see I think this time around the saber is more unique and has more function since it's like a sword you only swing with it. It's in certain directions though unlike a gun you aim and fire. If you look at this screenshot the circled area shows a unique attack..screen052.jpg

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Originally posted by Rat Boy

Secondary attack? Heck, there's probably five or ten different lightsaber attacks.




I beleive they were talking about right click vs. left click in any given situation. It is pretty much decided that there will be many lightsaber attacks.


As for what I think it will do, I think it will be either a slow attack or a quick attack. So normal=your standard side swing; slow=overhead cut or something; quick=thrust or something. I'm leaning toward slow. They could make it do more damage or sever limbs easier. Some argue that that would make it uber, like the double swing in JK, but with better blocking all it would do in the wrong situation is leave you open to attack.

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I believe there's a primary and secondary saber attack for every movement.


eg- forward & left

forward and right


back & left

back & right


jump forward

jump backward

jump sideways (both ways)

strafe left

strafe right


and probably more


so there we have at least 24 moves, with endless options for renewal


endless options for renewal


endless options for renewal


endless options for renewal!






sorry, got a bad movie stuck in my head :)

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It's not strictly necessary to have a 2nd mode for the sabre. I really dislike how that's done in JK1. In facts I did a MOD (look into the signature if you want) where with fire1 you can do several moves with the saber and fire2 is sorta of an evade button and other actions. With that you can do many of the movements you see (or could see) in the movies like kick, rolls and so on.


I really hope JK2 is different: sabre moves should be many only to reach your enemy on several situations, not to strike different damage levels. The sabre hurts always in the same manner, don't it?

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