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Austin powers discussion

Darth Lunatic

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Originally posted by Darth Lunatic

LOL @ saberpro



Dr Evil: I have one simple request emdash; sharks with friggin' laser beams attached to heir heads, and it can't be done? Remind me again why I pay you people?

What do we have?



Sea bass.






Sorry that's wrong again....it's more like this:


Dr. Evil: Mr. Powers you will notice that sharks will have laser beams attached to their head, I figure every creature deserves a warm meal *idiot laugh with finger at mouth*


*cough cough*


No. 2: Dr. Evil...it's about the sharks. While you were frozen, they were put on the endanger species list...we tried to get some, but it will take months to clear up the red tank....


Dr. Evil: You know...I have one simple request...and that is to have SHARKS WITH FRIGGIN LASER BEAMS ATTACHED TO THEIR HEADS! Now, evidently my cycloptic colleague informs me that that can't be done. *throw down the silverware* A clue reminds me what I pay you people for, honestly, throw me a bone here...*turn to No. 2* What do we have?


No. 2: Seabass.


Dr. Evil: *pause* Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.


No. 2: They are...mutated, seabass.


Dr. Evil: Really? Are they ill-tempered?


No. 2: Absolutely.


Dr. Evil: *murmurs*That's a start...


Dr. Evil: Alright guards. Begin the unnecessary slow-moving dipping mechanism.


Yes I'm a freak

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Originally posted by StarScrap

I have a problem with repeated consonants in drawn out words. Your "Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiighttttttt" would sound more like "Riiiiiiiightahatahtahtahtahtahtahtahtah" or "Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiightehtehtehtehtehtehteh"


T = no sound, just a little trick u do with ur tongue


Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiightttttttttttt - makes the t sounds a lot louder :)

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wow; i doubt that is a healthy ability. Helpful, yes.


So what is with the new AP movie any who? Please dont tell me that the entire GOLDMEMBER will be a mini-Ausitn; I took it as a joke but who knows; they could literally mean a whole movie on mini-Austin. Im psyched that Beyonce Knowles is gonna be in this one; the Austin girls just seem to be getting better and better :D

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