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The Threads...and other stuff


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Okay, just a little FYI/request coming your way...


As the forums hot up, a lot of threads are going to get buried. It would really help if you could try not to start multiple threads on the same topic. There are quite a few on release dates, etc., and in order to try and make it less confusing, we're going to have to start merging some threads...and splitting others when they go waaaayy off topic. :)


So if a thread you start suddenly seems to disappear...it may have been merged with an existing one on the same topic....so DON'T PANIC! :cool:

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Hey, no problem people. ;)


Just another FYI...some threads that have similar names but cover slightly different topics (ie, that should not really be merged) may get renamed to clarify their content. I've already done that with a couple of MP threads...so it should help you to see what a thread actually contains, instead of Multiplayer Question, Multiplayer, Thoughts on MP...etc...ad infinitum. :)


So, it would help if thread starters could give a bit more clarity to their thread titles when actually posting a new topic. Thank you. :cool:

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Actually, I have been advised that merging threads is not really appropriate at this time. It would probably confuse new members/posters if their topics suddenly disappeared. :cool:


If you feel that you are answering posts in a very similar vein (such as release dates, etc.) let us know, and we will try to get such information into the FAQ.


Also, sticky posts will largely be used for Hot Topics etc., from now on...and only remain sticky for around 24 hours.


Just remember to keep us moderators informed of any spamming, flaming, insults, trolling, bar-room brawls or other questionable behaviour so that we can deal with it promptly. ;)


And just to reiterate, it would help other members if those who start topics could be a little more specific with their topic names...to avoid some confusion.


Thanks, people. ;)

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