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blockable force-lightining

General Theros

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No starscrap, I don't think you understand what area-of-effect is. I will use an example real fast to explain it to you.


4 Stormtroopers are charging you in a silly broad line formation. You hurl a thermal detonator at the second guy to the right. It blows up and sends three guys flying into the air, the other guy just gets kinda dazed from the explosion but not knocked over. All 4 take damage, but at varying degrees depending upon their proximity to the explosion. That is area-of-effect. Force-lightining on the other hand would be shot at one guy and only that one guy would take damage.....there isn't any explosive energy that comes from it. Only one guy would be damaged in the attack.


Does that help any?


General Theros

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Somehow Gamebooger, I can't see Vader choking Luke and Luke having to jump really high to counter it. In the Jedi Training trilogy for instance, Luke's pupil countered Force Choke by using the Force to push air down his throat. I think that kind of ability should be included. I'm not saying there should be a Force Air, but Absorb should do more than just stop you from getting hurt and give you force. It should let you play as if grip wasn't affecting you at all.


At the same time, allowing absorb to remain on as long as in last game would be foolish. With the ability for absorb to block a force power to a greater extent, I think it should be more of a one-time shot thing. If you are being gripped, you tap absorb to break the choke. It takes a certain amount of Force. Absorb then wouldn't remain on constantly for players, making them immune to the Force powers of other players.


You may ask then how would you know when to use it for Force Lightning? If lightning does as much damage as it looks like it's going to do, an absorb button which is only a button and not a toggle would not be very helpful. A "form of Force Sense" is going to be implemented in the game right? This could warn you if a person is "charging lightning" so to speak.


And that post ended up being a lot longer than I thought it would be. :D

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You still take damage from being choked but you can get away from your opponent like that.


I just swung my saber in the area they were about to land in..


Somehow Gamebooger, I can't see Vader choking Luke and Luke having to jump really high to counter it.

Moses, while its important to try to remain as true to the movies as possible you've got to drift a little from 'what would luke do' for the sake of balancing the game.


I agree on this little particular aspect tho as far as jumping in the air being a pretty lousy tactic, and there should be other ways to counter it.

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somehow, having lightning "drawn" to a lightsaber doesn't seem too wrong to me (i doubt the physics of it are right... ) but it should only lessen the damage you take...not negate it entirely.

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Originally posted by General Theros

why does it not make sense for it to wrap around the blade?


General Theros


The Saber doesn't conduct electricity, otherwise Jedi would get fried when they hack droids in half. I KNOW that in the book the electricity wraps around Lukes blade. But there are also some things in the book I don't agree with. Why didn't Luke block the Emperors Electric attack in ROTJ? I just don't think its unrealistic, even in the Star Wars universe. Electricity wouldn't just 'wrap' around something unless it was the quickest path to the ground. But you could make the argument that its Star Wars and there are other things that don't make sense, like Sound in Space, etc.

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Originally posted by JPMaximilian


Why didn't Luke block the Emperors Electric attack in ROTJ?

in case you didn't notice he didn't have his saber when he was getting fried. After he cut off Vader's hand and was walking towards the emporer he very stupidly threw it off to the side.

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also a way to get out of the choke/slash is to force jump.



force jump did not get your out of grip, iit's just that when the person who is gripping you is at close range, force jump took you out of the persons view pretty fast.

i always gripped, backed away, and if they jumped i tilted my view upwards a litte, and most every time they stayed gripped.

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Originally posted by General Theros

No starscrap, I don't think you understand what area-of-effect is. I will use an example real fast to explain it to you.


4 Stormtroopers are charging you in a silly broad line formation. You hurl a thermal detonator at the second guy to the right. It blows up and sends three guys flying into the air, the other guy just gets kinda dazed from the explosion but not knocked over. All 4 take damage, but at varying degrees depending upon their proximity to the explosion. That is area-of-effect. Force-lightining on the other hand would be shot at one guy and only that one guy would take damage.....there isn't any explosive energy that comes from it. Only one guy would be damaged in the attack.


Does that help any?


General Theros


Ya, I knew that. I just stupidly chose the wrong words for the sake of using the same terms as the argument I was going against. Makes your case stronger, and it's almost instinct for me. :tsk:


What I meant was that it isn't just a single bolt, or a sheet along a plane. A loghtsaber couldn't block it because it is too wide to be blocked. (unless of course you're going with the wrap-around theory)

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If you could block them lightning with the force it would be amazing. Maybe put a shield up with your hand, which would use the force and drain it anyway.....maybe if the lightning hits you the force power of your shield would go quicker than if it wasnt hitting you...........This would be awsome.

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Originally posted by CaptainRAVE

If you could block them lightning with the force it would be amazing. Maybe put a shield up with your hand, which would use the force and drain it anyway.....maybe if the lightning hits you the force power of your shield would go quicker than if it wasnt hitting you...........This would be awsome.


They already had this power in JK and its probably planned for JKII.. It's called Force Absorb :D

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Excellent ideas I say, acdcfanbill and Dazilla, I'd love to see the power become more potent if both hands are used.


Oh and Dethbolt is correct, Destruction could be countered like all other powers, and the Light side was unbeatable in guns. (though I never practiced guns much, only BGJ FF. ;) )

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Destruction just didn't seem like something you could do with the Force...It was cool and all, but it just didn't feel real. You know? I'm going to call on the Force to shoot energy out of my hand? Where did the energy come from? Can be neither created nor destroyed right? Hm...:confused:

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