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New preview at Gamespot

Rat Boy

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Holy !@#$! The new information is awesome!


Here's the link:



"The first iteration of force pull, for example, will give Katarn the ability to knock enemies off their feet. With the second, slightly enhanced version of that ability, Katarn will be able to disarm enemies from a distance, while the most powerful force pull available will let him actually strip a weapon off someone and use it as his own. Likewise, the ultimate form of force choke will let you hold enemies in midair and throw them in any direction--including onto a group of onrushing storm troopers--with a flick of your mouse"


Whoa! I can't even start to say how cool that is!


"You'll start the game with a standard fighting stance that allows Katarn to swing and parry his lightsaber by using his forearms and wrists, which basically translates to attacks that are fast but still pack a little bit of a punch. Later on, Katarn will learn to adapt a light fighting stance that will allow him to strike more rapidly than before, but at the cost of reduced damage. Finally, you'll earn the heavy stance--here, Katarn will dig his heels into the ground and swing his lightsaber with a great deal of effort. If he connects, Katarn will do a great deal of damage, but he'll be left wide open for a short period of time if his swing fails to find its target. Tosti said that you'll be able to switch between these three stances at will once you earn them so that you can use a fighting style that best suits your current situation. "




Y"ou've seen some of these weapons in the earlier games of this series--weapons such as the bryar pistol, storm trooper rifle, wookie bowcaster, Imperial heavy repeater, and thermal detonator--but Jedi Outcast will have a lot of new additions to its arsenal as well. These include the DEMP2, which fires a deadly electrical arc; the Golan Arms flechette, which fires countless tiny metal arrows in a conical area; and the Merr-Son missile system, which is a rocket launcher with multiple firing modes.....The disrupter rifle, trip mines, det packs, and a stun baton round out the list of goodies you can expect to find in the game. "


Missile Launcher?!


"In fact, Tosti was quick to point out that every weapon in Jedi Outcast has both a primary and an alternate attack. Some weapons even have a third firing option, usually a charged variant of its primary attack. "


3 firing options!


"Tosti did say that there will be significantly more force powers available to players in the game's multiplayer modes than there will be in the primary campaign. Force drain, which sucks the available number of force points from other players, is one such multiplayer-only power. Another is absorb, an ability that lets you fill up your force meter whenever a force power is used against you. Additionally, some of the force powers that are available in both single- and multiplayer modes are drastically different from one another. The Jedi mind trick, for example, will make you completely invisible in multiplayer games, while it serves only as a distraction for computer-controlled opponents in the single-player campaign. "


That Jedi Mind Trick idea is perfect in my opinion.



That is nice! Now it's IGN's turn. :)

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Notice this:

Almost all of the force powers from Jedi Knight will be available for Katarn to use in Jedi Outcast, including a handful of new ones, such as force choke and mind trick. What's more, every one of these force powers will be "upgradeable" up to three times, and the overall effect will be quite noticeable.


THAT is nice..Force Jump -> Force Super Jump --> Force Rocket Jump?


Grip -> Super Grip -> DeathChoke? LOL :lol:

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In addition to the typical CTF, team deathmatch, and deathmatch modes, the game will have some unique twists on existing multiplayer conventions, such as Jedi duel, wherein two players spar while a crowd looks; capture the ysalimari, a mode that cancels out the force powers of anyone carrying the slimy critter; and a mode called Jedi master, wherein a single lightsaber will give its owner the ability to use all available force powers but, in turn, will also mark that player as the target of all the other contestants on that map. In this mode, the only players who score points are those who kill the Jedi master and the Jedi master himself.

So, we can have those one-on-one duels after all that some many people wanted to see... ;)

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In fact, Jedi Outcast officially entered the beta stage of development last week and seems to be on schedule for a release in late March or early April of this year.


Mmm, beta testing. :)


The first iteration of force pull, for example, will give Katarn the ability to knock enemies off their feet. With the second, slightly enhanced version of that ability, Katarn will be able to disarm enemies from a distance, while the most powerful force pull available will let him actually strip a weapon off someone and use it as his own. Likewise, the ultimate form of force choke will let you hold enemies in midair and throw them in any direction--including onto a group of onrushing storm troopers--with a flick of your mouse.


Disarming or throwing enemies? Cool. :D


Jedi Outcast will have no fewer than 12 ranged, explosive, and melee weapons, not counting the lightsaber. You've seen some of these weapons in the earlier games of this series--weapons such as the bryar pistol, storm trooper rifle, wookie bowcaster, Imperial heavy repeater, and thermal detonator--but Jedi Outcast will have a lot of new additions to its arsenal as well. These include the DEMP2, which fires a deadly electrical arc; the Golan Arms flechette, which fires countless tiny metal arrows in a conical area; and the Merr-Son missile system, which is a rocket launcher with multiple firing modes. In fact, Tosti was quick to point out that every weapon in Jedi Outcast has both a primary and an alternate attack. Some weapons even have a third firing option, usually a charged variant of its primary attack. The disrupter rifle, trip mines, det packs, and a stun baton round out the list of goodies you can expect to find in the game.


I see we'll be having the Merr-Sonn PLX-2M Missile Tube, as I predicted. The trip mines are a new one, too.

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is it just me or is this game gonna be badass!, all these force powers, plus the level 3 of all the force powers mentioned is awsome, being able to pick someone up and throw them in other people! thats gonna be fun, with each new review i want the game more and more.....i dont know if ical last till march :rolleyes:

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this is sounding better all the time... choke/throw is gonna be amazing... :D


force points in multiplayer will be cool... especially if teams can set them up so they have complementing powers (one has healing, one has attack etc... ) it will make it more like RtCW or whatever... with roles.

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