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keeps crashing


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hope somebody can help me. I've just bought the game and it looks superb. Although it keeps cutting out. Why on earth does it do this. i get so far and... crash.


My computer..

Cyrix 6x86xMX MMX

128 ram

Nvidia riva tnt 2 MODEL 64 PRO


It is up to spec to run the game, so why does it keep crashing. I've reinstalled windows recently, so it is a fresh system


any clues? Thanks, Billy

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  • 5 years later...
Or you might just be running a god awful OS


It did the same for me. Turned I disabled Hyper threading in the Bios, and it worked. I also set the bit depth to 16 just to make sure.


This game is so addicting, you'll finish it before you put your settings back the way they were.


Hope this helps!



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