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Demon Seed


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OK, I have to admit to being a film geek, but I have very little knowledge on Sci-fi films, I'm more of a crime, noir fan. So I figure that I can be educated on the subject by some fanatics.


*Important* Star Wars is not sci-fi, its a fantasy adventure!


So I'm gonna start by bringing up a decent film I've seen a few times called demon seed.


Now this film is one hell of a sci-fi flick. Who has seen it? What did you think. I'm too lazy to write a synopsis, so you can look for it yourself on a search engine!!!


The ending to this film sends shivers down my spine, just even thinking about it.

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ya, i realized that. It's not about any 'scientific experiments' or scientific discovery, sure the death star was a scientific experiment, well..not really, more like military...i can see why u'd call it fantasy instead of sci fi though. Cause usually sci fi has to do with the human race, and have the planet earth in it, or at least people FROM earth.

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