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Questions for those in Raven/LEC


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I understand this will most likely not be replied to....but it doesn't hurt to try. By the way, to those in Raven and Lucasarts, it's great you guys have the time to come and read these posts.

Here are some questions..


1) Will fists be an option for a weapon? For example, if you are stripped of all weapons will you be able to fight without the force?


2) Will the concussion rifle or rail detonator be returning?


3) How will Force Speed be approached? Will it be like Jedi Knight 1 or be when you are moving normally but everything around is moving slower. That would be coolest in my opinion.


4) THE MOST WANTED ANSWER: ;) Will there be a demo?Everyone's hyped about the game and just the smallest of demos would be of much appreciation. If so, do you have a date set, soon?


Thanks so much.

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I'll try and answer them, but don't quote me on it..... ever :)



1) Not sure about fists. We'll see....



2) No conc, but there's a missile launching system and the disruptor, which will pretty much be the next conc, in a way.



3) Afaik, it's not a max payne style slow down, bullet time deal. It's extra speed. So I assume it will be handled in a manner similar to JK, except not as insanely fast :)



4) I'm pretty sure there's a demo on the way.



MRJ? ChangKhan? Winter? Kenn? Any of you raven guys care to enlighten us? :D

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