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Lucasarts uploading new screen shots?


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Speaking of Pics, have you seen the latest one? its cool but the dialogue is off.


It says:


"I'm no Jedi, i'm just a guy with a lightsaber and some questions." (something to that effect, the downness is keeping me from varifying)



While, a more accurate line could be created with a simple modification:



"I'm no Jedi, I'm just a guy with a lightsaber, a bryer pistol, a stormtrooper rifle, a stun baton, a DEMP-2, a heavy repeater, a bowcaster, a Mer Son missle launcher, a flechette, a disruptor rifle, some thermal detonators, trip mines, and det packs....and a few questions."


There, MUCH better! :D

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Originally posted by Swoosh


"I'm no Jedi, i'm just a guy with a lightsaber, no fists and some questions."






Correction Ver.2:

"I'm no Jedi, I'm just a guy with a lightsaber, a built-in stun baton to my hand, but no fists and some questions."



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