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Since everyone seems to be a Tolkein fan and that Civilization is a popular game I got this idea:


Your the ruler of a mythical empire of a fantasy race, in a mystical fantasy land, you have to take your mystical race empire and conquer. Its play by E-Mail and its still in the beta... I have a world map that can be used, and the limit on Empire's in 16... Am I making sense? Think Civilization on a grander scale...


Anyway the races to choose from are:

Human (Average in all stats)

Elf (Have good Bow units, good with magic)

Dwarf (Slow and powerful)

Halflings (Very evasive race)

Dark Elves (Elves with Darker magic)

Orcs (Very Powerful but very dumb)

Goblins (Very fast, but also very dumb)

Undead (Can't be affected by Death Spells)

Dragonmen (Half-Dragon, Half-Human, all action!)

Astrials (From the Astrial Plane, a VERY Neutral race)


What do you think? We could play this on a forum or something...

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That would be awesome, and this idea is a sort of a Pen and Paper RTS game.. Except I'd call it Play by forum..


I've spent the last few minutes typing up stuff on how to create your own Empire and play.


Here's my Empire that I'll use if we ever get this off the ground:


Player: Clefo

E-Mail: Shablaki@yahoo.com

Kingdom Name: Hiryuu

Kingdom Race: Dragonmen

Leader's Name and Title:Lord Valgaav

Preferred Terrain: Icelands

Strategy of Kingdom: Finesse


What does this mean, you ask? Well here:


Player: Your Username


E-Mail: A valid E-Mail addy that is yours


Kingdom Name: A name for your kingdom, for intrests of accuracy, make it Fantasy sounding


Kingdom Race: Choose one of the 10 races for your kingdom, Which race you choose will affect relations

with other races, and some stats at the beginning


Leader's Name and Title: Put a title (I.E Lord, King, President etc) and a fantasy sounding leader

name, this is for intrests of the story that will be written


Preferred Terrain: Choices: Grasslands, Icelands, Mountains, and Desert. Your preffered Terrain

determines where on the map your kingdom starts out, and units get stat bonuses while on the

preferrable terrain.


Strategy of Kingdom: This will affect what your units can do. The following Strategys are:



Balanced: Nothing is stronger than anything else, nice and even



Raw Power: You attack, attack, attack! Your units can pack a wallop and thats all you care about,

defense and magic suffers in this though



Defense wins Territory: Your units are very tough, cannot be killed easily, however, they cannot

attack that well and their magic sucks



Finesse: You care more about the skill of your troops rather than their raw power. These guys

don't have to reasearch anything to gain experience for their units. Stats are a little lower than




Wizard Guild: You like da magic! Your basic units can cast basic spells, and your mages have hella

good spells, But you are cannon fodder for strength units as your attack and defense are REALLY




Tech Geek: You are a techological Kingdom. You care more about getting cool gadgets than anything

else.. Tech Geek Kingdoms start with more stuff reasearched than anyone else. Although you have

the gadgets, your base stats are AWFUL...



Religous Sect: You rely on faith in your deity(s) then on Power or Magic.. Religous Sect units have

an immunity against Holy Magic, and your weapons are doused with holy magic, raising their attack.

However, Dark magic and strong attack can easily put an end to your Empire

Keep in mind the following races CANNOT do Religous Sect: Undead, Goblins, Orcs, Astrials, and

Dark Elves.



Dark Cult: The opposite of Religous sect, you worship dark and devious things, You are immune to

Dark Magic, but suffer against Holy Magic, and strong Power attack..

Keep in mind that the following races CANNOT do Dark Cult: Elves, Halflings, Dwarves, and Astrials.

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How about you start out with 3000 of each resurce and purchase troops at th begginging? Then you fight.


I though up some resource types:

Gold: Buys magic and holy things.

Wood: Soldiers.

Food: All troops.

Stone: Non-organic stuff.


List of units and costs for the elves:

Lt. Bowman= 80 Food

Bowman= 120 Food

Adv. Bowman= 150 Food

Special Anti-Orc Infantry= 200 Food 50 Gold

Lt. Swordsman= 70 Food

Swordman= 110 Food

Adv. Swodsman= 140 Food

Sorceress= 600 Gold 300 Food

Sorcerer= 800 Gold 100 Food


Like it so far?

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Well, here's some orc ideas:


Lt. Bowman= 50 Food

Bowman= 70 Food

Adv. Bowman= 90 Food

Special Unit: Urak-Hai (Killers) 500 Food

Lt. Swordsman= 60 Food

Swordsman= 80 Food

Adv. Swordsman= 120 Food


Question: Did you mean you didn't want the money stuff or did you not like the idea of starting off with resources and then buying troops and strolling into battle with your force?

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I'll ad this thread in my sig. I just list unique units here:

Orcs: Urak-Hai (Those tall Orcs)

Humans: Wizard (Maybe) or a very strong swordsman

Dragonmen: Anti-Human Trooper

Dark Elves: Adv. Sorceress

Elves: Anti-Orc Trooper

Goblins: Some very stealthy guy

Halflings: Theives

Undead: Zombie?

Dwarves: Unit effective against giants?

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there is this game called warlords battlecry, you could get ideas off that

and orcs would have giants and trolls instead of bowmen, dwarves could have crossbowmen

unique units:

orcs: giants or cave trolls

humans: knights


dark elves: sorcerers or assasins

what elves do you mean? high elves or wood elves

goblins should be combined with orcs: goblin shaman


undead: chariot, vampire, slayer knight, bone dragon

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I am a creative person... I wrote some stuff down on diplomacy and neutral villages:



There are a number of neutral towns on the map, the neutral towns are a certain race (Some even

hidden races that you can't be!) Depending on your race, these denisins will accept you as their

leader, or fight you for their independence. Here is a chart:


Good Races:





Neutral Races:





Evil Races:

Dark Elves




Really Evil Races:



If a Neutral town is the same alignment as you, then they will join you without question. In the case

of those who aren't the same alignment as you, you will probably have to fight UNLESS you:


A. Have good relations with a Kingdom of that race

B. If you are a neutral race and you are a Religious Sect, then your alignment goes up to good, and

the 3 good races will appreciate you more. Likewise, if you are neutral and you are a Dark Cult,

the Evil races will appreciate you more.


When you take a town, you can keep the race thats in it, Mix population, or Kick them out.

If you keep the race in town, they'll appreciate you more, and a message will be sent to every

lord of that towns race of your generosity. If you mix population, you mix your races population

with the indenginous people's. This can or cannot work well, depening on the races you mix. For

example: Mixing the population of an Elvish town wih Halflings won't produce any problems, but

mixing an Elvish town with Undead will cause a riot and you could lose some important resources

and maybe lose the town.. If you kick a race out altogether, you are screwing relations with that

race. The population moves out, and the refugees complain to all Kingdom Leaders of the race you

kicked out of your mistreatment.




Negotiating with other kingdoms is fairly simple.


There are these types of treatys: Non-Agression (Sort of a, "Don't bother us, we won't bother you)

A Friendship (Trade Routes can be used from kingdom to kingdom), Alliance (You share resources,

intelligence, and your units will not attack on sight), and WAR! (Self Explainitory.)

To negotiate a treaty, send a message to the king of the kingdom you wish to negotiate with.



Nat, could you help me on units and stuff? Basicly there are these types of units I want for each side:


Some sort of Melee Unit (For Undead it could be Zombie, upgrades to a Better Zombie, then upgrades into a Kick-ass Zombie)

An Archer type unit (I.E Elvish archer with 2 upgrades)

A Mage-Type Unit (Self Explainitory w/ 2 upgrades)

Various gadgets like Catipults and Balistas

A VERY Unique Unit (Does something good, with 2 upgrades)


Basicly I want all the races units to be unique from everyone else's, but still have the same premise, but the VERY unique unit can be, well, VERY unique..

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Guest SlashAndBurn

Player: SlashAndBurn


E-mail: tpoole138@hotmail.com


Kingdom name: don't know yet


Kingdom Race: Dark Elves


Leaders name: Nall As'Kari (Nall translates to Exalted One)


prefferd terrian: Grasslands


Strategy of kingdom: Wizard Guild


Should we make backstories for out leaders and kingdoms or no?

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