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What force powers are appearing in jk2?


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Welcome to the forums, jedifire. ;) (Check my sig for your welcome gift :D )


So far, the indications are that the following Force powers will be returning in at least the SP campaign...


1. Speed

2. Jump

3. Heal

4. Push

5. Pull

6. Force lightning

7. Jedi Mind Tricks

8. Grip


All indications are that the Saber Throw will also use some Force mana. So far, we know very little about specific Force powers that will be returning for MP. :(

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Originally posted by StormHammer

Welcome to the forums, jedifire. ;) (Check my sig for your welcome gift :D )


So far, the indications are that the following Force powers will be returning in at least the SP campaign...


1. Speed

2. Jump

3. Heal

4. Push

5. Pull

6. Force lightning

7. Jedi Mind Tricks

8. Grip


All indications are that the Saber Throw will also use some Force mana. So far, we know very little about specific Force powers that will be returning for MP. :(


Isn't saber throw now the secondary fire of the lightsaber? If so, why should it consume Force mana?

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Because you can control it while it flies through the air and you need Force mana for that. I don't know how much actual time you have for controlling it though; either it stays on air as long as you have enough mana and returns to your grasp when it has been completely drained(like in Super Star ESB and RotJ for Super Nintendo) or it uses only defined amount of mana and then automatically returns to your grasp.

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Originally posted by Redwing

Isn't saber throw now the secondary fire of the lightsaber? If so, why should it consume Force mana?

It's not been confirmed that it uses mana yet, but two particular screenshots do seem to give evidence of this - the screenies in question can be found here and here :)


The blue arc on the right display is the Force mana - compare them :)


Edit - Fixed :)

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