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Uh...for the Mac?

Yodimus Prime

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What the hell is it with people shunning the mac?? I opted for one because its all this stupid school uses...except it might as well not exist anywhere else. JEEZ! Its not like they suck or anything. It only hates me as much as every other [bleep]ing computer on the face of the earth

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I don't know their current plans, but because Dark Forces was originally ported to MAC, it would be wise decision to bring whole series to that platform. As a matter of fact, you can find Jedi Knight petition that is trying to get JK ported and I have a feeling that if MAC users would still buy that classic today, LEC might later give permission to port also JK2. ;)

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Originally posted by Yodimus Prime

What the hell is it with people shunning the mac?? I opted for one because its all this stupid school uses...except it might as well not exist anywhere else. JEEZ! Its not like they suck or anything. It only hates me as much as every other [bleep]ing computer on the face of the earth


I shun the Mac because:


1: The Mac is designed for graphics and video editing, not for intense gaming.


2: You can't custom-build a Mac.


3: You have to use special Mac-compatible software and hardware to actually use the thing.


4: I can't stand that stupid one-button hockey puck the things come with that Apple dares to call a mouse.


5: Did I mention compatibility? :D

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I personally am a PC user, but I would give anything to go over to the mac, simply because of the better reliability, usability, not having to be a computer nerd to download, save, and open a file on the hard drive, and all-around nice-ness, but I can't afford to lose the compatibility and price. It's too expensive to buy one, and the compatibility is too terrible. But still, if macs were at least equal in compatibility, I'd definitely choose the mac.

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Gosh, you guys don't give him flase info. Ok here I'll tell you the facts. I personally am a Mac user. I have spoken with people of Westlake and Aspyr here's what I've found. It uses the Quake 3 engine, it is made by Raven Software, it's in demand, LA is in charge of it. Now here's some facts, There are alot of games that use the Quake 3 engine for Mac, Raven Software is the creater of Elite Force, which came out ofr Mac 1 month after the PC, Aspyr just signed a deal with LA to do Battle Grounds. So, no announcement yet, but the future does look bright, keep your hopes up, I think you will see it.



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Few things about Mac's. Compatibility, while you can't use the same CD for Mac's as you can for PC's there is no program (besides games) that I can't have the equivilent or better to on the PC. Second, the one button mouse is bad, but just buy a 3 button, I did. Like you actually use the mouse your computer comes with anyway. Don't say Mac's can't game because my G4 733 with a Geforce 3 can kick some pretty hard tail. 1024-768 max setting 70-100 FPS on EF. Seems fine to me. Honestly the real reason mose people have PC's is because thier friends do and it feels safer to have somthing that somone else close knows about. Oh and if you want just a gamin machine, get a PC. If you want a good game machine and somthing where you can actually get somthing done, buy a Mac.



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The only thing Macs are good for is Adobe PageMaker. I've used this program on both platforms and I do have to say that I like the Mac version. As far as video editing, I can go either way, it really depends on the hardware and the non-linear editing program. Otherwise, I perfer PC. Here's why:


I was raised on PC

PC are more costomizable (if that's a real word)

I built my computer and I wouldn't have it any other way (so I am using the mouse my computer came with)

They're ugly (And that's a fact)

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Yodimus Prime trust me. There is a big chance. LA has been doing deal with Mac users lately. Raven has been doing deals with Mac users lately. Some of the Mac porters are huge Star Wars fans. It uses the Quake 3 engine so it's a no brainer. Don't get your hopes down just yet. I have other reasons but I can't post them.



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Why is the mac shunned?


Because Microsoft controls 90%+ of the software market, forcing windows support first and foremost for developers and preinstalled on systems.


Whereas MacOS usually only comes installed on macintosh pc's made by one company (apple)...

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