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just a little weapons question of all y'all


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i had a little query regarding bullets... er, laser blasts, in OUTCAST.


in some games, bullets move at the speed where once you pull the trigger, the target falls dead right away. kind of like in real lfe. this is so in COUNTER-STRIKE and the new MEDAL OF HONOR ALLIED ASSAULT (a game that absolutely kicks ass, if i may say so... a HELL of a lot better than WOLFENSTEIN). in other games, however, bullets don't move that fast. once you pull the trigger, a shot is fired and you can actually see the bullet physically make its way to the victim. the perfect example of this is in JEDI KNIGHT. anyways, this results in a delay... which made you lead a target. in JEDI KNIGHT's case, the lead was pretty big, especially if the target was far away. you had to really compensate for the time it would take the shot to hit. now the delay doesn't really effect you much in single player, but multiplayer is an entirely different story.


this delay pretty much rendered the majority of the weapons in JEDI KNIGHT useless at a distance... and that is probably another reason that the concussion rifle was so loved.


now i know that we're not going to witness this "instant bullet" bit in OUTCAST, it is, after all, STAR WARS, so it pretty much expected to see a laser blast fly through the air... so my question to both RAVEN and all y'all out there is this:


will the bullets (lasers) fly fast enough to the point where a gun like the stormtrooper rifle or the bryar pistol can be used at a distance effectively? i hope so!

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Hrmmmm... no way to confirm this one. It's just pure speculation until the demo or the game comes out. We'll probably have to lead no matter what gun you decide to whip out against an opponent. I hope I'm in the majority when I say that I prefer the leading over and instant hit. That way I can work with my lag since I'm on a crappy dial-up.


Forget the guns! I want a bright lime green lightsaber! And a purple one too. With a yellow core if possible. :D But i'll settle for just purple. Ki-Adi-Mundi has a purple saber. In the comics anyway. :p


Good question. Too bad we don't have too many answers. :(

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I would imagine that no matter what the gun, with the exception of the AWP from CS :D , you would need to lead the target some what. Even more so at a long range when the target is moving at a fast pace. Not leading someone could mean the difference between a fatal chest shot and a grazing of the shoulder.


At least thats how I see it. I always try to lead in CS, in fact you almost have to unless your in CQB.

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yeah GUNNER, i get where you're coming from with that... you're always going to have to lead a target. but my point is that bullets in CS don't move so slow as to the point where you actually see them moving through the air. they move fast enough so that if they were so far away as to where you actually had to resort to leading them (with the exception of the AWP... you ALWAYS had to lead a target unless the guy was an idiot and just stood there... or a chick was playing HAHAHA just kidding!) you don't really have to lead them that much, you know? but im talkin OUTCAST here. we KNOW that the bullets are going to move "slow" (i mean slow as in slow enought to see) so i just want to know how bad will it be... or if RAVEN can take this factor into consideration and implement a solution to the problem it caused in JEDI KNIGHT.

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Well I would imagine that since you could see the laser moving in the movies thay wanted to make it as realistic as possible so maybe that's why you can see the laser move as it goes towards the target.


Better yet, I'm sure we will have your questions answered in a few months.:)

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Originally posted by SL_Ki-Adi-Mundi

Hrmmmm... no way to confirm this one. It's just pure speculation until the demo or the game comes out. We'll probably have to lead no matter what gun you decide to whip out against an opponent. I hope I'm in the majority when I say that I prefer the leading over and instant hit. That way I can work with my lag since I'm on a crappy dial-up.


Forget the guns! I want a bright lime green lightsaber! And a purple one too. With a yellow core if possible. :D But i'll settle for just purple. Ki-Adi-Mundi has a purple saber. In the comics anyway. :p


Good question. Too bad we don't have too many answers. :(


Mace Windu will have a purple saber in AotC. It was on the cover of one of the SW: Insiders. :D

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I kinda liked the leading... mad it more difficult in SP.:D Of course, I used the Bowcaster to snipe at long distances. it traveled kinda slow but I usually managed to nail the target on the second try or so.


But we don't really need to worry about realism. This is SW, after all.:p

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