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No Blood In JO


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<font color=cbcbff> Oh, I think it'll be fine. The limbs flying all over the place should satisfy any need for violence. If you want to see one fly off, aim for a limb, the engine is great for dismemberment. To be "realistic" though(I'm sure blood still flows from humans the same way in star wars,) limbs are fine and believable, I don't care who you are or what you are using, it's going to take more than cauterization to keep some blood from coming out when you cut someone's torso in half. (Even though when maul is cut in half, I don't think that's blood, since blood doesn't glow. I think that's just his lightsaber). Anyway that's just my take on it.

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No, watch it again.. that's definately a spray of blood flying from Maul. Granted, it's MOVIE BLOOD and not real blood shed from Ray Park, but you get the picture. It's not from his saber.. never in the movies have we seen a red glow produced from hitting flesh, only blood, burns, or "nothing" (passes straight through).


Or are you saying that Darth Maul is a robot, and his metal body turned molten when he was cut in half? That'd be an interesting theory...


And if it's a glow from his saber... why is it red? Why not the color of the saber he's using? (Green)


Watch the DVD version.. freeze frame, and go in slow motion when he does the "reaction shot" as he's being sliced... that's blood I tell you!


That much blood in the game would be <i>no big deal</i> for the rating or for anything else. If it's not realistic, then the canon films aren't realistic...


And hey, if severed limbs ooze blood on the ground, (like they did in A New Hope) that'd fit in perfectly with the movies.

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I agree thats blood in the movie...


But you cant cut folks in half in JK2 can ya? only limbs off right?


arms and maybe legs?


I also believe bleeding storm troopers would just look silly... They dont bleed in the movies do they? I think it would be awkward and i dont mind there not being any blood

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- Kurgan

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Well, just to throw one last bit of gas on the fire... here's a few pictures (un-doctored btw, taken straight from the DVD, apologies to Lucasfilm, of course).


<a href="http://www.public.iastate.edu/~kurgan/largemaul.jpg"><img src="http://www.public.iastate.edu/~kurgan/smallmaul.jpg"></a>


Click on the picture for a larger version (uncompressed)


I honestly admit in the two times I saw TPM on the big screen, I never noticed the blood, but then again I wasn't *looking* for it. I watched the film on VCD after having an argument about it with somebody on I believe it was the late OWK.net forums. Sure enough, it was there, although it looked like a spray of dust (since the color was bad). In the DVD it's bright red, and acts like a spray (probably a powder or CGI effect accomplished this, since you don't see residue.. but it's not like a glow, that would evenly coat everything, not appear as a mass of particles).


That's a good point about different blood colors.. Mortal Kombat 3 comes to mind... they can get creative (in MK3, certain monsters had green blood, humans had red blood, and robots leaked black oil). I wonder if the blood wasn't red it would be a problem for anybody? ; )


As to limb cutting, hands, forearms, whole arms, torsos, and even heads have a precedent in the canon films. We don't see blood from blaster hits, although the hits apparently in the non special editions were a lot more serious than most of the ones seen in the SE (smoke, flames, sparks, etc and big gaping holes from stormtroopers.. compare the squib hits to Stormies vs. the hits to the WALLS of buildings in the films...). Some people have told me that in ROTJ, you can see blood on Han's gloves after he puts up his hands (after pulling Leia to safety after she gets shot) when Chewie is in the AT-ST pointed at them. But I can't make it out...


I would assume a blaster shot would react similarly to a saber hit.. the energy would burn into the wound, but also have kinetic energy to rip through the body, so there would be some blood loss, in addition to burns and melted armor/burnt clothing.



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Hey! you guys are on to something. I watched it over and over in 8 and 10 zoom, frame by frame, for days on end...and I have detected excrement oozing from the intestines. Yup, I bet that would happen in real life, so lets propose and put together a petition to make sure that excrement spews from the body when you saber or blaster kill. Give a whole new meaning to look out for the flying caca!!

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