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What faction are your in Starcraft?

Link Antilles

Which Faction do you play as?  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Faction do you play as?

    • Protoss
    • Terrans
    • Zerg
    • ALL THE ABOVE! :)

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well i liked Zerg a lot. because it is not so expensive.

the only problem is that they are easaly killed.


Protoss were realy cool. almost unbeatable. but very expensive to get some thing.


im goin for terrans. they are the middle way. reasanable stength and not super expensive.

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Anyone BUT the Zerg.


I like the Protoss b/c they're advanced and i love carriers, arbiters, d. archons, high templars, dark templars............. the point is that their units are awesome.


I also like the terrans and their units. Seige tanks with missle turrets and marine filled bunkers are almost unbeatable (unless someone uses a Yamato Gun)


both are really good teams, but I really don't like the Zerg

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In brood wars scouges can be run off by a screen of corsairs as a bonus those pesky missile turrets and bunkers can be shut down.


BC are harder to take down. More so if he micros like hell key 1-0 assigned to each ship. And his finger on the yamhto gun button. Watch out if he has the energy upgrade. Your best beat is your carriers themselves. if it looks bad use your supior speed to run to a defence line and have it back up your fleet. Also I think carriers can attack behind so they might be doing damage as they run.

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also, if you use arbiters to cloak your carriers and have a couple of observers around them, you can defend against many things without being hit. if you're cloaked, you'll usually want to take out sci. vessels/enemy observers/overlords out before taking out other units.


if you're in a bind, use an arbiter near your base to recall them to safety (i love that move)

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And a large carrier fleet can't always fit through in one shot. Leavering a few to die. Also chances are he knows where your base is and will assume you have gone their. he'll be hot on your heals. And unless you have ALOT of photon cannons he'll proably finsih the route.


I ALWAYS play terran.


anyone every play Conquest frontier wars.

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