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The "Wall Walk", did you like it?


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Two more things:


In the Mr. Tosti interview, he said walk on wall BRIEFLY so i dont think therell be, standinh on the wall situations


also, if you look at the movie frame by frame, you'll notice this is prolly about as long as its going to be, pressing the arrow keys on your keyboard, ytoull notice that with the last press before it goes to the next scene, you can see the floor again between Kyle's feet and the wall, which means, he's "lost contact" with the wall, which in turn means, hes coming back down.


Now, maybe under influence of force speed or something he'll be able to get up there a bit longer but in any case it seems to me it wont be a much longer run than shown here and i think it looks great!

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Originally posted by digl

the animation is a bit weird and It does look slow, but I think to judge it better we must see the entire move, not just the beginning, and also we must play to know how It feels


I agree, but im sure in the actual game it'll be much better. Im sure we'll get lots and lots of practice of this in the demo :)

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Originally posted by CaptainRAVE


I agree, but im sure in the actual game it'll be much better. Im sure we'll get lots and lots of practice of this in the demo :)




ohhhhh demo demo demo i cant wait im gonna go insane!


demo next week?


please! aaaaaaaaaaaaaa


lol sorry i cant help it im so excited and i just cant hide it!

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Originally posted by ps2maddenman

Besides, if you read the novels (since this is an expanded universe game) you will find many examples of jedis doing things that were unheard of in the movies (Cilghal, Corran Horn, Gavin Darklighter, etc.)


btw I do agree with you in that I hope it isn't overdone.






Gavin Darklighter becomes a jedi??? Arrrgggh you are a spoilerman!!!! When does it happen? In the New Jedi Order?

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Originally posted by TUS_Tomcat




ohhhhh demo demo demo i cant wait im gonna go insane!


demo next week?


please! aaaaaaaaaaaaaa


lol sorry i cant help it im so excited and i just cant hide it!


Maybe next week, but definatly not far away. Im hoping week after next when im off for Half Term.......I can stay up all night and download it then.......


A trailer is the first step of a demo + will be included with the demo........im sure it wont be a long wait now.......you never know, Lucasarts might give us a date :)

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Ok firstly I think the move will look completely different when actually playing it. As for consistency with the Star Wars Universe who's to say we won't see Jedi doing Wall Walks in AOTC. That would be cool and a good link to the game. Maybe LA gave Raven some hints of what to input to tie it into the film??? Just a theory, It could be???


I agree it did look slightly odd but also cool at the same time. I think we will have to reserve all judgement until we see it in action and only give our opinions of what we know and can see and not get too involved in speculation of what we haven't seen yet.


By the time you get this game you will have forgotten all about all these little niggles and be talking about completely different aspects of the game.


Till Next Time.

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Originally posted by ps2maddenman

I kinda think it is funny that the Matrix copied Kung-fu in being able to "walk" on the walls (not the slo-mo thing), and George Lucas has openly admitted that the Jedi fighting techniques were taken from martial arts films. So as long as the wall walking isn't in slo-mo (ala Matrix) I am fine with it if it enhances the game play.


what he said!


the only original thing in the matrix was teh bullet time technique (and they knicked that from wildlife documentaries). The gunfights were straight out of john woo, the fight scenes were straight out of a jet li film. It was still a cool film, but hardly original... just took a lot of cool elements and combined them.


since there is no "slow mo" effect.. this is basically using the force to hold you against the wall while you run... which doesn't seem too out of sinc with the films to me. he only takes 3 steps... and the 1st 2 are rising with his momentum from the jump pushing him up, forward and against the wall... it's not like he is running along it....


i thought the animation was pretty good... his feet angled against the wall right and he went into it totally smoothly.


i know why some people might have doubts... especially after all those "will it have bullet time?" posts... but just cos it was in the matrix don't make it bad.... ;)


ithink it will add to the game....

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Guest Krayt Tion

We don't see a whole lot of the 'before' or 'after' of the wall walk as someone pointed out. I really hope that ability is only able to be executed after a fairly precise timing of force powers and events. Otherwise, I understand what Vag means when he says:


Originally posted by Vagabond

And if you can walk all over the walls, why not the ceiling? Why would you need Force Jump if you can just crawl all over the place like an Alien?


... because casual and easy to manage wall walking would open the door for a whole nother slew of maneuvers that I would almost have to expect after that. So that could leave me on one hand being disappointed if they don't include other 'Matrixie' type of moves, and on the other disappointed if the Star Wars universe likely ceases to feel as such (to me).


Risky move with the wall walk indeed. We'll have to see... admittedly it makes me a little nervous.

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Correct me if Im wrong, but I think Brett Tosti said in the interview that you could walk on walls, for short periods of time

Could someone confirm this?

probably what we see in the trailer is the most that is possible to walk on walls, and he is just about to jump back down

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Originally posted by JR2000Z

There's nothing new about the wall walk.


I remembered seeing it on the Mortal Kombat movie where the hero fought Sub Zero.


I think they mean new to star wars. As they said earlier Lucas addmitted to basing Jedi fighting on Martial Arts. So Martial Combat probably wasn't the first thing to feature the Wall Jump

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I have studied martial arts for for 10 years, and though I am no master, I have done the wall jump. I really would not call it a "wall walk" because it really doesnt feel like that. I love seeing it in the game but I do have one worry. If that shot was NOT in slow motion, then theres an error in the speed. To do a wall jump, you need the proper angle and plenty of momentum. when you jump, you shift your body angle and just kind run along the wall to push you forward. Your feet barely touch the wall and just sort of brush it, propelling you forward. So you only get maybe two or three steps in TOPS, and your moving pretty fast.


And as for my opinion of the slow motion concept...I liked the idea when I heard how it was being used in Obi Wan, force speed slowing the world around you down while you move at a normal pace, while to others you would appear to be extremely fast.


And one more thing, [NOTE: I STRONGLY WARN AGAINST TRYING THIS!!!] When I worked at UPS, I once overdosed on caffeine pills trying to stay awake for the midnight shift. I experienced an effect that I both loved and hated. The advantage was that from my perception, I had been put into slow motion while the world arround me kept a normal pace, but as I sorted packages in slow motion, I was being clocked at the fastest sorting speed they had in the building. What happened was that I had a hyper alertness that allowed me to work acurately, so while I felt I was in slow motion, doing everything correctly and with ease, I was really moving very fast. which explains my body language. It was clear that the laws of momentum were being applied to my body. Now this sounds really great right??


WRONG!-- The negative effect was that because of this high speed, My heart rate went sky high! Had I not realized there was a problem and stopped- had I kept working, My heart would have exploded or I would have had a heart attack. And I could feel that it was close due to the agonizing pain in my chest. So please, for your health, dont try this. I just thought it was interesting and relevant to the force speed topic

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Jesus, why does everyone get the impression that its wall walking is unlimited in time? i mean, its most likely a 4 second manuever to get your ass out of a corner.. also, they're were two types of wall manuevers i believe, one being a wall jump, running straight into a wall then jumping back, like a backflip off of it.. the other walking along side for a extremely short peroid of time.. I personally think this stuff belongs in starwars, since lightsaber combat is based of multiple kendo and other styles of sword play. By the way, didnt obiwan jump or flip off a wall in ep1? or am i mistaken?

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Here is a quote from ChangKhan:

It's a very quick move, just a few steps. You can control the speed of the run by pressing forward or backward (or neither) during the run. Also, you can flip off the wall in the middle of it if you hit the jump key. And enemy jedi can do it, too, if the conditions are right.

So, it looks like DigitalVapor's estimate about "two or three steps in TOPS" was correct. :D

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Man, I watch in disbelief as you guys compain that it's too much like The Matrix and not enough like Star Wars.




Matrix footage is A GOOD THING!! A GOOD THING!!! :)


So it sidesteps from the Star Wars universe a little bit. A well judged sacrifice for moves that will increase the fun factor about 50%. Besides, with the force, I don't see why not you couldn't wall walk. The devs are just using concepts of the force that Lucas never thought of.

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Originally posted by Eternity

Man, I watch in disbelief as you guys compain that it's too much like The Matrix and not enough like Star Wars.




Matrix footage is A GOOD THING!! A GOOD THING!!! :)


Exactly Eternity.......the more the moves are like The Matrix the better.......as long as their fun put them in :), and any they leave out will be included in a mod anyway :)

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