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We know about colours, but what about saber handles?


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It would be pretty cool if you could totally customise your lightsaber. Maybe even colours on the handles :).......Like team colours etc. I like this idea. Its been a long time since the handle thread has been brought up.........come on everyone.....




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<font color=cbcbff> That would be kind of cool. Or allow you to make your own handles(like you would make skins) and have everyone else auto-download it(it would be small, it's just a handle) so you could carry around a custom one. Those RolePlayers would love that.

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Was thinking along those same lines.


It would have to be a small file, and thered have to be some limitations set (ie, no 2 meter long handles, and it has to fit int he hand of course), but if that could somehow be checked by the game, wether or not the limits are met, it would be nice... But it's probably too late for custom handles now heh, maybe there are some premade ones int here to choose from and maybe we're all stuck with Kyle's :)

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Actually, I think SBX 3.0 did lightstaff first time as it should be done, but let's put that aside. I'm all for custom lightsaber handles and AotC brings one new design: Count Dooku's lightsaber.


Even though Raven wouldn't include Count Dooku himself as MP model, this handle would stand out from the crowd nicely. :)

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I liked how in JK you could modify the sabers.dat file to make "custom" saber blades (ie: apply any texture from the game to your saber blade and tip surfaces). You could also substitute any model in the game for your handle model.


It would be nice if you could at least change the blade to whatever you wanted. I'd hate to be limited to just seven (or worse.. THREE) colors...


And I admit, my double-lightsaber was just a hack, but at the time, there wasn't really anything else (so sue me). Later on, people made fully functional ones, and now they look quite good. I'm sure the same will happen with JK2 if Raven doesn't put them in the game (or expansion, or a patch) themselves.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

I liked how in JK you could modify the sabers.dat file to make "custom" saber blades (ie: apply any texture from the game to your saber blade and tip surfaces). You could also substitute any model in the game for your handle model.


I remember all those things being brought out in mods.........they seemed king of pointless and looked really stupid.........A lightsaber with the floor panel texture :rolleyes:

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It would probably be done the same as inserting a new weapon. Very easy to do BTW, since all you have to do is attach tags to the model where the blade is (that is if it's a seperate model, if not it would only be a little more complicated) and where the hands go and so forth. And since theres no animation, making handles will be one of the easiest and most popular thing for people to make and insert into the game as a pak file. So I give the game a week after release before we see about 50 different sabre handles ;).

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