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Stupid People

Boba Rhett

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Here's a story.


There once was a student in college studying computer science. His assignment was to program the game Othello. Part of his task was to save the state of the game to a binary file. First he had to save whose turn it was; except he saved it as a 4-byte integer instead of a 1-byte unsigned character. Which threw off his entire read function and caused him to spend 3 days trying to figure out what went wrong in the read function. Which made his project very late. :(


Pretty dumb, huh?

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That could happen to the best of us. ;) It certainly did take him a long time to find the problem though. :eek:



Here are two more award winners:







Somebody hunt these two guys down. Please? :D;)

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Guest SlashAndBurn

Heres one.

When I was in high school i worked at McDonnalds. Anyone that has worked with handling shipments to and from busineses know that when the boxes of whatever come in there is a date stamp on them representing when they lefet so-and-so warehouse. One day this woman(about 25 yrs old) was out in the back throwing a bunch of boxes in the trash compactor...we go out and see what shes doing and she says....

"I'm throwing out these boxes of napkins...they expired 2 weeks ago."


Another note to this story...she has 4 kids and home schools them.

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