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MI5 confirmed?


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Gyubrush proudly states (I don't remember where in the game) in MI4, that he has a 5 game contract..


...as does the voodoo lady and a few other characters. And this could mean one of three things:


1. There are only going to be 5 games (which I don't believe due to other evidence).


2. There will be at least 5 games total.




3. That "5 game contract" was another of MI4's kooky jokes and there will be no more. ...Next people will be saying once more that there will be a total of nine Star Wars movies.

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Yeah, i believe i read that too, when i was surfing the internet (I have no idea what that is but I'll try to draw it.) I read it on the scummbar site (wich is coming back, WHOOPIE), They sead that there will undoubtebly (i have no idea how to wright that) be more monkey island and grim fandango - sequals (i have no idea how to wright that either) Personally i have never played grim fandango so i don't realy know what it's about (i don't know why but i feel strangly insulted)




For a story of mi5: first off all LeChuck is not dead (of course) now i got that off my chest we can move on ;)

grandpa marley is sitting at home (in the large mansion, wich by the way i wan't to call my home. Now, moving on) boring him self to death when suddenly some-one knocks at the door, he opens up but there's no-one there: He mutters: "snotty-nosed kids, come knockin' at my door and than runnin' away, YOU'LLD BETTER START RUNNIN' he shouts. He laughs (as only he can, you know, the simple but firm hèhèhè). So he sits back down in his chair and falls asleep, then you see a flash of light fly by (of course he doesn't see it) wich is LeChuck in a dematerialised form (he is also the one that knocked on the door, he came in then but H.T. didn't see him) so Lechuck stands in front of H.T., wakes him up, H.T. screams at the top of his lungs, at the same time Lechuck says: scream all you wan't, there's no-one around to hear it. At the same time guybrush and elaine come in (back from the pleasant trip they had (wich will be explained by guybush later on in the game) and they both shout: "Grandpa, what's the matter we heard you scream", Guybrush then says: "Oh no, It's LeChuck, he's back in a dematerialised form". LeChuck: "ahrrrr, we meet again, Mr. Marley (like in that bond-movie, ya know) (Guybrush:"It's threepwood") then LeChuck take over H.T.'s body and says: "I'll be back", at this point he disappears into thin air. Elaine: "This is terrible, we must find a way to get my grandfather back", Guybrush: "I have an idea..." Elaine: "that's great honey, but I have an even better idea" Guybrush: "but..." elaine: I'll look around in these books to find an answer (all books of getting dematerialised people out of your body)" Guybrush: "and me,and me? What do i gotta do?" Elaine: "you go ask the voodoo-lady for help, she's great at these sorts of things (That'll keep him busy for some time), Hey you can even go out and have a grog. Guybrush: "Great! Thanks honey" Elaine: "But not to much dear, you know what grog does to you" Guybrush: "Ohw man" Elaine: "What's that dear? Guybrush: "Uhm... Thanks mam" Elaine: " Oh ok, hurry up know, we haven't got much time" Guybrush: "Right dear, I'll be back before you can say: filthy-grog-smelling-pirate-who's-grandpa's-body-is-taken-over-by-a-dematerialised-undead-demonpirate-from-heck. Than you take controle over guybrush and go to the voodoo-lady, but, OH NO!!! the voodoo-lady's house is burned down to the ground, at that moment a woman with an extremely strange doo walks by, So you ask what happend to the voodoo-Lady's house she tell's you an odd black woman with odd clothing and strange hair (wich is ironic considering that she has a realy strange doo) burned down the house, screaming: "OH NO, IT'S TERRIBLE SHYMUCH (or something in that order) IS COMING BACK, AHHHHHHH" so she said something like: "untill a new house is found, burn this one to the ground"(and the house went up in flames) she had only just finished saying this spell or her doo goes up in flames. She screams, and runs towards the fountain, she fall's in, her hair-firehassard is out but she's soked, she walks back to guybrush and says: "Now, where were we?" guybrush: "Uhm... you finished, yeah, that's right" Woman: "Oh ok, see you around" Guybrush: "i wonder if the black woman with odd clothing and strange hair was the voodoo-lady? And i wonder who shymush is?" You go on to the Lua bar :mad: :mad: :mad: and to your great surprise, it's turned back to the scumm bar [wich kinda is a tribute considering the scumm bar online is coming back in mid july(-ish)] you go in and find it to be just the same as before, accept... They kept the water-sushi-thingy, when you go in on the right you'll find a dartboard and the little pirate from mi4 who whas playing against the big guy, if you talk to him and challenge him you can choose from 2 options: 1: if i win you have to buy me a drink 2:if i lose you gotta do the chicken dance infront of everybody

Little pirate: "uhm... DEAL" you start playing, you can win real easy considering he sucks (remember the holes next to the dart-board?) So you win, he's like: "You cheated, I'm the best dartplayer in the tri-island area" Guybrush: "AHA! you hav to buy me my drink now" (Elaine: "What did i tell you about drinking grog?") Guybrush: "you said i could, i've got witnesses, just look at that guy over there knodding his head (he's refering to the player) (Elaine:"ok, fine, go ahead, just don't drink to much")

Little pirate: "aha chwatish (whip-sound)"

Guybrush: "Not a word out of you" Little pirate+the entire bar: "HAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!, chwatish!!!" Guybrush to little pirate: "what do yo know about the voodoo-lady or her house?" Little Pirate: I know she yelled: "OH NO, SHY... (Guybrush: "I allready know that part") oh i also know where she was going. Guybrush: "What? Where?" Little pirate: "I Won't tell ya" Guybrush: ohw c'mone Little pirate: "no" Guybrush: "ohw c'mooooone Little pirate: "NO!...I tell you what, if you can beat me at insult darting i'll tell ya.

Guybrush: "insult darting?" Little pirate: "yeah, insult dartin', What, Are ya chicken? ... Guybrush: "nobody calls me chicken. Alright, i'll dart ya, bring it on shorty"(he tells insult you respond with witty remark, you throw dart in bullseye, you don't respond with witty remark? He throws in bullseye. The winner is the first to have 50 points (bullseye beïng 10 points). If you beat him he'll tell you the voodoo-lady is hiding on an island called coney-island (litterally in the shape of an icecream cone -->


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\/ ) so you gather a crew, get a ship, sail of to coney-island (wich is a new island formed by the lava on booty-island i think in mi3 you drop a piece o' cheese into the lactose-intolerant lava-god and it erupts) So you find the voodoo-lady and tell he about what happend (as said in the beginning guybrush explaines the pleasant trip to the voodoo-lady who by the way did not ask to be told this story) and so on and so on... (started wrighting this crap 2.30 hours ago, so i hope you enjoyed it) i'm not sure the lucasarts-members read the forums but if they do, i'd be honored if they read the story i just made up :) ps this is 7009 characters long :)

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dude, i'm only 14 years old, I've never even written a story in my life, and i'm from belgium, i speak dutch, my english vocabulary is realy small. i appreciate your opinion, i'm not mad though i just wanted to say that

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Originally posted by EnchiladaMan


3. That "5 game contract" was another of MI4's kooky jokes and there will be no more. ...Next people will be saying once more that there will be a total of nine Star Wars movies.


there will be total nine Star Wars movies over the next decades. Read that somewhere in Entertainment Weekly.

When you go see the new Star Wars movies, however, look for me. I'll be the one throwing s(&* at the screen!

(sorry. i have very strong opionions.excuse-e me)

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