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WTF. All I try to do is contribute to the community. First of all there was NO way for me to know modcentral.jediknightii.net and http://www.jediknightii.net weren't part of the same group. Secondly I think it isn't a good idea to split up the editing community. Some part will come here and some part that goes to the modcentral thread. Maybe YOU GUYS should consider working together, instead of closing threads that are meant to help the mod community gather in one place. The ModCentral forum makes a difference between modelling/mapping/coding... which is better imho. And I am NOT a member of the modcentral staff. As of the copying thing, that is again something that is not MY fault, but I am sure that you got your links somewhere too.

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Noone said anything about anything being your fault, UniKorn. Thread was closed because there is nothing more to discuss. You indicated your advocacy for another forum, and that we should stop posting here. There is nothing else to say really.


Also you really need to understand that there is a huge difference between simply copying someone's complete work in one copy/paste action and pouring through many disparate websites to compile a concise database. Two totally different levels of effort.

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