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This is something I remember from MotS, it was for MP. For those who didn't have MotS, personalities went like this: You could choose jedi, scout, soldier and bounty hunter (i think). But each personality had different weapons to start off with and different force powers.

Now the question is, will they include this into JO? Does anyone know?

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OK ... I'll admit upfront I don't care about MP ...


However, I seem to remember - maybe from that XGR radio thing - that there *would not* be any 'player definition' in MP. The question was along the lines of whether something like RtCW would be done ... but since what you describe from MotS seems similar, I assume the answer is also NO. What I am hearing is 'your actions decide your personality' - as does the MP scenario choice, of course

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i hope that they include something along the lines of MOTS' personalities if they aren't going to bring it back...


i think that personalities make for better team games...


plus i didn't like seeing EVERYONE (character-wise) with a lightsaber... like those damn rodians. i DID however, like the SCOUT personality, which was along the lines of being a sniper, which was cool...

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