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Little Ice

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No I mean a tag as in the Picture I don't know if any of one have ever been on any ezboard forums but there for your signiture you can have a pic or words like there mine shows up as a picture from this <img src="http://liralindriel.bbboy.net/othertags/jillian.jpg">

I tried that here but only the address comes up and I also meant the tag like right above my name there on th eleft hand side I have I think it's Yoda( I think that's his name not sure though) you can also change that to a picture of your choice can you do that here? like I'll leave my sig up now in this post and you'll see what it comes up as but i want it to come up as the picture it is.

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Originally posted by Little Ice

...mine shows up as a picture from this <img src="http://liralindriel.bbboy.net/othertags/jillian.jpg">

I tried that here but only the address comes up...


Sorry, HTML isnt' allowed in your signature. You'll have to use vB code, where you use:


[img*]http://liralindriel.bbboy.net/othertags/jillian.jpg[/img*] (without the stars in the tag), to get an image.

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