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Stealth, how much?


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I tend to be a pretty agressive player usually, unless stealth is absolutely necessary. I like to go in guns blazing and sort it out later, of course this probably means I lean more towards the dark side than the light, then so be it. Deus Ex had a few spots where I had to use stealth, because I was either low on ammo, health, or didn't feel like dealing with the enemies at that time. Theif had some GREAT stealth elements. I'll use stealth when necessary, but only if I have to.

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The reason stealth is not shown in a movie is due to the fact that in the little time of a movie they must show the heart and soul of the game...........light sabers,etc,etc...


But it does appear you will be given the choice of stealth, action, puzzles, a real open-ended freedom of choice type game. I love to time guards tracks and then make my way to the next vantage point, or to sneak behind them and silently take them out, not alerting the entire enemy camp.


Puzzles or mind benders, stealth and action along with exploration facing highly intelligent characters/creatures with high levels of A.I. and great scripting is what I want, the complete package. 3RD and 1st person view options, all have advantages.Not just a hack and slash game that is just the same from beginning to end. Versatile game full of options and open ended with all kinds of alternative routes and gameplay options.....stealth or action it's your choice at every given turn within the game is what I want.


It seems they are going to give us this with this up-coming gem..........I cannot wait. :):D

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Those would be nice additions. How about a shape changer mode or trick that works for alimited time. So the pressure is on you to get by certain situations in a certain given time. But without doing anything out of the ordinary which would draw un wanted attention to you. All that would be nice extra depth to go along with all the action I think.;):)

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Originally posted by JPMaximilian

Its been said that some levels are easier to beat using stealth while some play more towards gunning. I'm going to try to use stealth most of the time though.


And theres even a level where you get to control some kind of vehicle......I sooooooo hope its an AT-ST :D

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I hope that stealth will be a much bigger thing in jkII, it just dosen't seem right that u would decide to take on whole imp bases by urself when ur looking for information or whatever. I still think, though, that we'll be leaving lotsa bodies lying around after a mission....i'd like a body count of all the stormies killed in JK...300-500 by the end of the game?

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*Peak around the corner, sees one trooper

Jumps out slahes him with the lightsaber, just to expose himself to a full army of storm troopers who blast you into oblivion.

Or you can make a diversionary tatic draw him out without revealing your posittion


The fact is like i stated optional, if you have the guns, and dont mind ruining what could be important control panels, friendly NPC's, and sounding off alarms then be my guess.


By the way I have an early preview of PC gamer that made the game look extremely promising

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