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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by Nitro


<small>Damn ass-badgers</small>





now we have mel gibson doing a TERRIBLE accent in 'we were soldiers', h eis also starring in the porn remake 'we were cockgobblers' with Jenna Jameson I hear..........

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So was i am sam. Saw it last night with the gf. I was half expecting a chick flick, but it wasn't... Made me cry, though... Not a lot of movies make me cry... Something has to hit me personally, like in The Perfect Storm at the end when it shows the wall with all the names... Anyone who's spent any length of time on the water in a 30 foot boat what it's like to get caught in a storm. Every sailor's got a gale story. Mine's from sailing from Nova Scotia to Newfoundland in a 33.5 foot sailboat. Got caught in a good old North Atlantic thunderhead gale with 60 knots of wind, gusts to 70-75, rain that soaks you to the bone, and 15-20 foot swells. Coast Guard came in and picked up mom and my sister, cause they were both blowin' chunks like the landlubbers they are and my sister was scared out of her mind, and mom wasn't gonna leave her... Of couse, dad and I were both tossing cookies too, but when you're beating upwind in 60 knots of wind and rain, all you gotta do it turn around and the wind carries it straight back... I don't think I ever actually saw any hit the water.


But we rode it out, and hot damn did we ever have a hell of a good time doing it.

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Well, what really mattered about my post was that i am sam was a really good movie. Take your girlfriend, but if you don't have one, then go alone...


Reason: 1) Crying at a movie makes you look sweet and caring, so it'll impress your girlfriend, or if she's not there, any cute girls sitting near you, and you don't want a pack of guys around to scare 'em away.

2) You're gonna cry. Guarenteed. I cried, my girl cried, her friend cried, and her friend's boyfriend (an all-state linebacker... well, we call it "provincial all-star" in Canada) cried. Everyone walked out of that theater wiping their eyes. Do you want your dawgs to see you crying like a baby?


3) If you don't cry, you're a cold-hearted bastard, and you should burn in hell.


And for the record, it's not a chick flick.


That is all.

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early, I encountered a friend of mine and her boyfriend who had just seen this "I am Sam" film. She was still crying and was telling one of my female friends about how sad it was or something and her boyfriend just rolled his eyes.

Moulin Rouge was better.

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