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Northern Allience Victory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guest crazy_dog

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Guest crazy_dog

Northern Alliance cavalary, infantry and a few tanks just took over a key Taliban city and will soon be near Kabul, which they hope to capture.

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Guest crazy_dog

Uh, yeah, I think it's the Taliban military/government they're after, not civilians.


Except they were going to airlift food into Afghanistan to the starving ordinary people and thier pets and that hasn't happened yet.:(

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Originally posted by xwing guy

This is war, there is a such thing as death in war.


No this isn't a war actually...We havn't delcared war upon the Taliban and we won't this will always be called a "military action" not a war. If it was a war this thing would have been over in two days tops...because in war you go all out no holding back...The last war America was in was WWII. We won't have anothe "official" war for a VERY long time unless someone totally screws up...

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Originally posted by darthfergie


No this isn't a war actually...We havn't delcared war upon the Taliban and we won't this will always be called a "military action" not a war. If it was a war this thing would have been over in two days tops...because in war you go all out no holding back...The last war America was in was WWII. We won't have anothe "official" war for a VERY long time unless someone totally screws up...


Was that the last? How bout Viatnam? How bout the gulf war.


I'm not sure what's your opinion on what war is, but that whats war too. And I believe a war is longer than two days. I rebember from my history class names like 'the 80 years war' and 'the 100 years war' ... not exactly 2 days, huh?


America just always thinks it's on the right side, so that's why they don't want to call it a war. Because war sounds bad.


And Dagobahn Eagle ... don't say things like that. If you were there, I think you would rather be home.

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Guest ICP Ringmaster

most veitcong officials say that there was no war in veitnam and that the americans that fought there were criminals not soilders of war

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Actually, Fergie is right about the U.S. not being in a "war" since World War II. Yes we have been in conflicts, but there has been no decleration of war by a president since FDR. For example, in the Vietnam conflict, Kennedy and Johnson never declared war. Johnson just used the Gulf of Tonkin resolution to increase our military presence and military ability in Vietnam. And if you believe that there never was a conflict in Vietnam, then where did 54,000+ american soldiers disappear to, why are tens of thousands more wounded physically and mentally.



and i wouldn't think that a northern alliance victory is so good. yes, the taliban is being beat, but what do we do if the Northern Alliance wins control of Afghanistan. Afghanistan wouldn't be much better off

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