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Saber tactics 101

Silent Wolf

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I would like to use the Fast Attack stance so i can do continueus attacks untill their force well is drained. Then i will lift them into the air using force choke and throw my saber at them and they will die.




I will jump over them and do a backstab.



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With all the new possible combos added to JK2, I guess that you can combine all the stances and make up your own style. I personally like to confuse people by not attacking at all in the beginning of a duel, then going all out and using the force while doing it. So I guess "force rage" will play a major role in my tactics.

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Originally posted by Sithcloak

I would like to use the Fast Attack stance so i can do continueus attacks untill their force well is drained. Then i will lift them into the air using force choke and throw my saber at them and they will die.


How you gonna choke em with an empty force well?;)

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Originally posted by CaptainRAVE

As you go through the game you learn new stances and moves......but I hope fast is available from the beginning because I would love to combine loads of moves :D



i think i read its mediumf irst, then fast, then heavy...



BTW I'll also probably (cant tell for sure havent played eh?) be a FAST style kind of guy... I love the way Obi Wan fights in Episode I and that is really the fast style... I like that, quick combos... Overwhelm them

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It's hard to say, seeing as how I haven't even played the game. I played aggressively in JK. FF sabers will rely more on force tactics, rather than saber style. However, this will entirely depend on how the saber matches up against the force powers. Either way, I'll have to play the game first. My style will be based upon my experience.

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There is no way to tell yet, but I think I will be switching from all three different stances.

Giving them a hard slash across the back, a quick jab through the tummy, a medium powered overhead blow, followed by a,...........well, they would probably be dead if I happened to pull that off:p

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